I have so much to share here on the blog….but my time is running out. This holiday season feels stressful for me. I have all of the gifts to wrap, tonight am taking Larry out to dinner for his birthday. Tomorrow I must finish two Christmas knitted gifts and in the evening we have a theater performance, Friday has three activities. Saturday I must cook for the Cookie Caper at church on Sunday. AND we all know what next week is! I just want to cry.
One good thing is, Larry and I mailed out all of our out of town gifts on Monday! They are wrapped and ready to put under trees far away.

I love Christmas and I am determined to make this one a happy wonderful celebration. I hope that you are handling the stress well and find time to celebrate your holiday on your terms.
Tonight Larry will celebrate his belated birthday. His birthday is always one of my favorite celebrations because he is my favorite person in the world. Last week, he was in Austin on his birthday but I have him all to myself tonight. His combined birthday/ Christmas gift will arrive this week and we exchange our gifts on Christmas evening at dessert. (wait till you see!)
Do you think that I will get all these gifts wrapped? (I do not use bags)
Have a happy Wednesday….I am off to yoga.
Love you beyond the moon.