43 years ago, the most wonderful man asked me to spend my forever sharing adventures with him.

I said yes. Happy Anniversary Larry. In fact……

I love you BEYOND the moon…..
43 years ago, the most wonderful man asked me to spend my forever sharing adventures with him.
I said yes. Happy Anniversary Larry. In fact……
I love you BEYOND the moon…..
Larry and I were married on August 20th 1977. It was a beautiful day in Richmond, VA . I married my best friend. The only person I truly want to spend every day of my life with.
For many years, we spent our anniversary at the beach, playing in the surf and eating at a local steak house for dinner.
A few years ago, we moved our annual beach trip to late in the spring. Now we are home for our anniversary! We buy a cake each year. I cook and we watch a favorite movie. {Can a celebration be any better?}
Yesterday was perfection.
Today, it is early. {not 5 am early} I am dressed to walk 5 miles at an indoor location since it is already 84 degrees outside.
I need to MOVE because I have an anniversary hangover this morning.
Have a wonderful day. I wish you a day filled with best friends and exercise…..
Love you beyond anniversary cake.
Happy Anniversary to the most amazing person I have ever met.
Larry, there are no words to express how much I adore you…
Love you beyond the moon.
Today is the day.
Today I extended my walk. I was awake at 3:30 am, ready to go, except I don’t exercise in the dark. Then I fell back to sleep and woke with a “start”…throwing on my shorts and a t shirt. Darn. I just did not want to start the day half asleep.
I decided to add length to my walk on this special day. {more about that later} Last year I was very ill. During recovery, I stared walking. I have always been a walker and it felt right. During the summer {2018} Larry and I signed up for a quarter marathon. It is part of a half marathon in Dallas. Sounds easy, right? Baaahahahaha. I wish I had known then what I know now.
A quarter marathon is 6.5 miles. Last year I came in last. Larry says it was not dead last, but I think that he is being kind. Many people lined the path cheering for me. I ran the last bit, but it was embarassing. This year I will do better.
The marathon is in September. I am ready!
Today while half asleep and exercising. I felt happy and thankful. I am healthy, my strength is getting better every day and Mr Heron waited for me at the lake.
I might have come in last at the marathon last year, but I did it. I finished. That whats it all about isn’t it?
Please be happy today. Life is about the moments. Not the win.
Love you beyond the lake.
PS: Kim, I have saved your special gifts for today. Thank you so much.
Yesterday was a good day.
I had a {GREAT} visit with our family DR.
Since I am finished all cancer treatments,
it is time to get this old bod back in shape.
{today is post cancer blood work, for a baseline}
Larry worked from home yesterday.
I cooked dinner
we cuddled, watching The Bachelor.
He kept asking:
what is wrong with people?
Are they so unhappy alone
that they have to compete with 25 others for love?
Then two of the girls had a big fight.
He said:
Oh. That’s why people watch this.
I was still lying in his arms when
he turned the channel to DATELINE.
Some evenings are just to good for words.
Love you.
Yesterday was wonderful.
Larry and I went to brunch
where we sat in the cool restaurant enjoying each other.
Talking, laughing, crying.
We sat in our favorite booth,
the piano player played a song that was played at our wedding.
After brunch, we went to the garden center.
bought a few new plants for the entry area of The Cottage.
Each year we give each other the same card for our anniversary.
When it gets filled up, we buy another
and slip it under the ribbon.
I took pictures.
The first entry is from August 2007.
ten years of entries!
Thanks for letting me know that my math was wrong Dima.
Laundry is swirling.
I have cut out fabric
will soon be sewing while doing laundry.
The playlist for today is
Soundtrack from Sense and Sensibility.
{It is awesome for a Monday morning}
Be happy today dear hearts.
I love you more than chocolate.
Many moments of my life are golden.
Lovely, golden moments of joy and love.
Today we celebrate the birth of Lauren Judith Tolbert Miller.
Born April 2, on a sunny afternoon in Memphis, Tennessee.
She was a good baby, kind child, headstrong teenager and is an amazing adult.
I thank God every day for her.
For her birthday, I wish her only days filled with positive energy
to be surrounded by people who adore her.
Happy birthday Lars. I Love you beyond the moon.
On April 2nd, we also celebrate the marriage of Lars and Josh.
In 2005 we all met in Mexico.
{30 of us!)
to witness as they promised to love each other forever.
This is my favorite photo from the ceremony.
Happy Anniversary Lars and Josh.
The two of you are a great team
so very important in my life.
Love you.