43 years ago, the most wonderful man asked me to spend my forever sharing adventures with him.

I said yes. Happy Anniversary Larry. In fact……

I love you BEYOND the moon…..
43 years ago, the most wonderful man asked me to spend my forever sharing adventures with him.
I said yes. Happy Anniversary Larry. In fact……
I love you BEYOND the moon…..
Meditation Experience~ Day 9 My personal reality begins inside of me. My family disowned me 20 years ago, after Mothers death. When they did I walked away, not sharing with them how I felt about them except that I loved them. That is true, but they never knew, took into account or respected my personal reality. It is My responsibility to make my personal reality a priority.
About Lauren
Today’s is my daughter, Lauren’s birthday. She was born on a sunny. day in Memphis Tennessee. Her birth changed me forever and while experiencing that joy, I hemorrhaged after the birth and then I contracted an infection. {hospital germs} As I fought for my life, Mother took care of baby Lauren. I found my mother’s “Brag Book” after she died. Here are some of the photos celebrating Lauren’s birth as seen by my Mother. ( I LOVE these photos so much. They make me cry)
Mother took Lauren to her first Dr Appointment, gave her her first bath and she took very good care of me too. Mother put her life on hold, to care for my sweet family. Her spirit lives in my heart every day. Lauren adored her.
Baby Lauren is much as she is as an adult. To know her is to love her.
Mother stayed with us about 5 or 6 weeks. She had day duty and Larry had night duty because he worked at the grocery store all day. Lauren was the best baby for the odd situation. She was a happy baby.
This is one of my favorite baby pictures of Lars and me.. It was taken at our little house in Memphis.
These photos are from my Mothers baby book of Lauren. I have kept them close for a very long time but it is time that I share them.
Last night I told Granddaughter Matilda, to check the blog today when she gets home from school. There will be photos that she has never seen before of her beautiful Mother.
Happy Birthday Dear Lauren. You have been quite the experience since the day you were born. Thank you for the joy and wonder you have brought to our lives and may this day be filled with the same joy and wonder as you celebrate your birthday.
Love you.
He bought me PJ’s.
They are cuddly and cute,
but most of all they are warm.
Where in our brain or heart, is thoughtfulness located?
Why are some people more thoughtful than others?
I am married to a selfless, thoughtful man.
I want to be more like him.
Is there someone special in your life
who you would like to be more like?
Have you told them?
Love you.
Last night, sleep eluded me.
My body ached as I tossed and turned
and then it happened.
It started raining.
After months of drought, we had rain.
It was lovely.
Larry and I held hands as we listened the rain fall.
Larry and I have become a bit goofy in our old age.
{and him being so busy with work that we cannot sit and play an entire game}
We now play one game of chess over days/weeks.
This is how it works:
Light color goes first, {Larry is usually light}
We do not sit at the chess table,
after he moves, he puts this tiny carved mouse and turtle
on my side of the board, indicating that he took his turn
for me to move.
Sometimes I will walk by that blasted board ten times
before I notice that he took his turn
if he did move, what did he move?
I am not known for my talent at chess,
I enjoy the process.
I learned how to play 5 years ago,
after my breast cancer diagnosis.
{Promising myself yoga and chess}
I have not mastered either, but I enjoy both very much.
I just took my turn on the chess board….
Larry if you are reading this while in Dallas,
you lost your knight. {sorry}
Love you beyond the moon.
Yesterday we saw the movie, An Affair to Remember at the theater.
The theater was full and the movie was wonderful. As always.
We came home and had a picnic in the gazebo.
Dinner was one of Larry’s cheese plates
and Champagne.
It was an afternoon of sighs.
{my dessert was a glass of Godiva chocolate liquor.
I tracked the Weight Watcher points, then drank every drop}
The afternoon went by so fast….to fast.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.
Today’s love quote:
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
~hermann hesse~
The quote above is for My Larry.
Out of all the people in my life,
he is the one who has taught me most about love.
Love you beyond the moon Larry.
I promise that there were a dozen birds at the feeder 5 minutes ago.
They leave so fast…
Shadows on the wall are oddly long this morning
I learned yesterday that dear, wonderful, Al Jarreau is ill.
There was a message on the computer
from a friend who knows that we adore Mr Jarreau.
Dear Al,
May I call you Al? I feel as if I have known you for thirty years.
I would like to thank you for one evening….. one in particular.
It was a cold evening in Paris.
November 2016.
Larry and I arrived at the Olympia Theater
were delighted that our seats were so close to the stage.
We held hands and waited.
When you were announced…the audience gave you a standing ovation.
Tears crept to the corners of my eyes.
Larry squeezed my hand
and the rest of the evening felt like a wonderful dream.
We still talk about you and that amazing evening.
We listen to your music and quietly feel inspired.
Isn’t it amazing how
ARTists have the ability to touch people who need a gentle hug?
The past year, was dismal. Really dismal.
2016 will not be remembered for many happy things for us,
except a charming evening in Paris.
With My Larry and Al Jarreau.
We send love and healing thoughts.
Please remember, that if you smile in your sleep,
the angels shall adore you.
Love you.