One year ago, Lars, Josh and Matilda were in France.
We missed them very much and I was homesick to be with them.
This year has gone by very fast.
I wish someone would slow things down.
Yesterday we had the best appointment with Dr S,
of course we discussed Libby the entire time,
remembering that my pug girl is getting older
and going forward will be with her age of 16 in mind.
I took this photo of Libs years ago
it is my favorite.
She has my vintage necklace on and it makes me smile.
Today is Maundy Thursday.
Today represents the last supper Jesus had with his disciples.
This holy week is my favorite of the entire year.
There is something so positive in the rebirth of Jesus
of Spring.

I wish you positive thoughts,
many blessings.
Happy Easter.
Love you.