It is a quiet morning. My thoughts are quiet also. The weekend was busy, eventful and profound.
Thanks to the ones who encouraged me, loved me and supported me. The list is short. The list is important.
Please remember. People will treat you the way that they feel about you. NO expectations and always follow your heart.
I have birthday cards written and ready for the mailman. {Birthday Boy Zach, get ready!!} Laundry is almost finished, I am making a Christmas gift and it is just 8:00 am.
I am not in training any longer. The marathon is done till next year and I am working on Christmas gifts. I am waiting patiently for the Autumn weather and find myself encouraged to create and just BE.
Hi! Quick note. I am in training for Saturday’s race…..
Photo: Training means alternating my runs…today is a hard one.
I love my socks. Bombas! They are a huge help with my slight foot condition called, Haglund’s deformity. No joke, but it is kind of funny.
Photo: The palette of fabrics
AND I am working on Christmas gifts. Do you know how people say how much they ADORE hand made gifts? Do you think that they mean it? Well…I am working and it is very likely that you are getting something made with my two hands.
Photo: These are not all of the colors….
My hands and feet are killing me. In training and making gifts. Good thing I do not have to use my brain much. Oui?
Larry and I had tickets for a concert last night. We also had reservations at the Opera House for dinner. It was a beautiful evening. We sat outside and enjoyed the pre-evening, before the evening.
When it was time for us to be seated, we went to the restaurant. They did not have our reservation. {we had made reservations and paid for dinner in June} They said they we could carry our food to an upper level, {in the elevator} but they would “fit us in”….Larry was angry.
We met with the manager, she gave us our money back and we walked to Steven Pyles Restaurant. The Maitre D was charming. When he heard our delima and that we needed to be at the concert in 90 minutes, he said no problem.
He sat us at the chefs table. It was a choreography of its own. I adored being in the kitchen, at Steven’s restaurant.
Photo: our wonderful dinner at the chefs Table
We sipped our wine. We talked to the chefs. We laughed, had a wonderful dinner { Larry had the rabbit, I had the chicken} but still worried about making it to the concert in time.
The meal was fabulous. We were on time but I did not get dessert. Next time, right?
We left for the concert.
Photo: Paul Anka Dallas September 2019
Paul Anka, was charming. We were on time AND had the best time. What an amazing concert. {Trivia: Paula Anka was part of the famous “Rat Pack” back in the day}
So much happened last evening and I have left out 3/4’s of it. It was an amazing evening. Moments with Larry are the best…not to mention moments with Paul Anka under a full harvest moon.
As our evening crumbled and then was pieced together in the most wonderful way, I was reminded that I am not in charge at all. God handled things just perfectly and I am thankful……not to mention….Paul Anka under a full moon.
I only write this blog for myself. It is my journal, my thoughts and my problems. The goal was for me only to post positive things. Lately, I have had a few difficulties to navigate.
During my days, things happen. You know the kind of things. Insulting, unkind things. Coming from people that you least expect it from and then there it is BAM! Typically, I shut down and go home, dealing with it myself by keeping busy and throwing myself into whatever ART project is on the easel.
The way I have been dealing with things makes me unhappy with myself. If someone has the gall to be insulting with me, do I have the right to be respond in kind?
Many years ago, my therapist told me, if you are going to tell someone something, make sure it makes at least one of you feel better. I am almost to that point.
Larry believes that rude behavior stems from bad manners and anger. Larry is wise, but since I am feeling bitchy today, I disagree. I believe it comes from disrespect and the need to bolster ego.
I love my life. My little life. I chose to stay at home and raise my daughters. Larry is the love of my life and our moments together are the best moments of the day. Just like anyone else, I have had major bumps in my life and I am a better person for them. I don’t want to disrespect anyone.
But, please don’t be unkind to anyone. {I am talking to me! You! Anyone who might be reading this} Being kind is an easy mindset. It is positive and caring. It is the right thing.
Is it my age or am I that person who loves going away just to have that special feeling of coming home again? Is that why I love Carol King’s song HOME AGAIN so very much?
My Larry and I were in Austin. Austin is a very special city. We check into our hotel. Larry works and then we walk to one of my favorite restaurants and meet friends.
But now, we are home again.
It is very early this Sunday morning. {6:00am} I have a committee meeting at 8 {for church} at Starbucks. Then Larry and I will go to Sunday School and church. The afternoon is planned and no. No football is included this Sunday.
I am just happy to be home.
Photo: Shot from Austin. I love the three textures in this photo. We were walking to dinner. It was the end if the day. Perfection
Yesterday, I found myself sentimental and reflective. The day was very long and I had lots of time to “daydream.”
Then… a message popped up on my phone. A friend from Paris, liked one of my photos on Instagram and sent a messsage saying “hello”. Her Mother owns an Italian Bistro in Paris. All of the family works there, it is kind of awesome. {we have been eating there for over 20 years. I believe that Jami discovered the bistro one rainy evening when we wanted pizza for dinner. But…more about fun family times later}
Bruno, my friends older brother, works at the Bistro and at the Opera Garnier. Last year, he invited us to a mystery morning at the Palais Garnier! The mystery was centered around the The Phantom of the Opera. It was crazy and so much fun. All participants had the “run” of the building. We loved it…but one thing I loved most…
Photo: Chagall paintings at The Opera Garnier~ Paris 2018
was Marc Chagall’s ART on the ceiling of the Opera. I took these photos and they do not do the ART justice. It makes me happy to remember standing in that room. The ARTists who have performed, the paintings, the people who have attended performances over the years. I am still in awe. It is a happy memory for me.
Photo: Inside the Opera Garnier~Paris 2018
I wonder what opera/ballet/concert is being performed in November? I think that I have picked out my seat.
On September 11th, 2001 Larry had just left for meetings in Tyler Texas when the first airplane hit the Twin Towers. No one knew exactly what was happening. I was watching Good Morning America and Charlie Gibson was stoic.
Air traffic stopped, TV reports were all over the place and we all were in a state of shock.
The hate that created this event is beyond my scope of understanding. Even today, all these years later. My heart hurts for the victims, their familys and for our country.
The summer before 9/11, I had been talking about Pug dogs. A lot. Larry said no. Jami said she wanted a Golden Retriever and Lauren said, just get a dog.
It happened exactly one week after the devestating attack on our country. We { Larry, Lauren, Jami and I all went} met the man I had been talking to, who had a litter of 7 pugs {from the same litter} ready for adoption.
That is the night we met Libby and brought her home. I held her on my lap when awful storms started. Bad, nasty, Texas storms. We did not have anything at the house for a puppy…and in the rain, we took our new family member to the pet store.
Our Community was still in shock after the 9/11 attacks and all they needed was to see was a pug puppy walking around the store. Libby was popular that night. While it rained outside and our country mourned.
That evening in the car {in the rain}, we named our pug girl.
Her AKC name is Elizabeth’s Stormy Liberty. Libby for short. In honor of our counrty and the stormy night that she came home to the cottage. I held her in my lap all evening and she slept on our bed that night.
Matilda invited us to hike on Sunday, for Grandparents Day. We hiked, ate salads for lunch and had the best visit.
Our Granddaughter also made us gifts. She painted our portraits. They will be on the fridge for awhile, then maybe framed?
Photo: The Gift~portraits of Pa and Robi on cluttered fridge.
We adore the ART Matilda creates. It is stunning, raw and beautiful. Isn’t that how all ART should be? On my bookshelves in the dining room, there is a file. I date and put all of her work in the file. One day she will see how much she means to us…
Photo: Portrait of Pa
Photo: Portrait of Robi
A thank you card is in the mail to Matilda. {she and I write notes to each other. I love that she and I exchange real mail.}
It is Tuesday. Larry and I walked our miles this morning at the lake. It has been so hot that we have avoided the lake this past month and we walked at indoor tracks.
But today…we were at the lake.
Photo: Walking at sunrise Sept. 10th, 2019
The high humidity made the walk more difficult, but we did it. Being outdoors is best.
Larry is away to meetings in town now. I need to clean up and work on Margot’s baby gift. {A quilt} I also owe about 6 emails. You know the kind, the long, newsy kind. If you are one of the 6 people I owe mails to, will you forgive me? I will be a zombie while training for the marathon.{Quarter Marathon}
Yesterday while in the kitchen making dinner, the leaves rustled on the back patio. For one split second, I thought that it was my old puppy making her way to the door to come in. It made me very sentimental. I hope wherever she is, there are crisp Autumn leaves for her to play in. She loved them very much.
Since it was Grandparents day, we met Matida for a nice hike along waterfalls here in the area. After our work out, we went to Snappy Salads for lunch. It was a great morning.
Since we had our meal {lunch}, at dinner time we opted for Quiche Lorraine. It is a recipe I have tampered with, because Larry likes a more savory version of a quiche. {and instead of an omelette} Enjoy.
Quiche Lorraine~chef valentine
1 unbaked pastry shell {9 inches}
6 large eggs
1 1/4 cups half and half
1/8-1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 cup swiss cheese-shredded
5 bacon strips cooked and crumbled
2 Tablespoons butter
1 cup fresh mushrooms-sliced
1/2 cup green onions-chopped
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Unroll pastery shell and place in pie plate. Par-bake in oven, 8 minutes. remove from oven. Set aside.
Reduce oven temp to 375 degrees.
In a small pan, melt butter , add onions and mushrooms. saute till tender . Set aside.
In medium bowl, beat 6 eggs. Add half and half and pepper. Continue beating till smooth. Spoon mushrooms and onions into egg mixture. Stir well. Add bacon and cheese. Stir well.
Pour egg mixture into par-baked pastry shell. Bake for 35-40 minutes. Knife in center should come out clean.
Let quiche rest 15-20 minutes before cutting/serving.
*TO FREEZE- cover unbaked quiche with freezer wrap. To serve-remove quiche from freezer 30 minutes before baking. {do not thaw} preheat oven to 375 degrees. Put quiche on baking sheet. Bake as directed, increasing time as needed after testing center of quiche with knife.
Photo: Quiche Lorraine
This is the best quiche. It is savory and filling. Please let me know if you try it. It is one of our favorite meals….