I was never a pink girl. All my life, I thrived on greens and the random splash of red or yellow but these days, my life is PINK.
Much to my dismay, I was diagnosed with breast cancer again this past October, 2019. (first diagnoses was in July 2012)
When I had breast cancer the first time, I survived because of EARLY DETECTION. This October, my breast cancer was a different cancer in a different breast. (had genetic testing and everything is ok) The second breast cancer was found during my yearly mammogram screening. EARLY DETECTION.
I am now the poster child for early detection. I was not around when they voted me in, but I accept the title with honor knowing that it comes with responsibility.
I shall always support any organization that assists women in getting their yearly screenings. There are times in our lives when it is just not part of our budget, schedule and everyday problems, to find time for a yearly mammogram.
Komen can remind us, drive us to appointments, find funding for screenings and be a huge support for the women going through this ugly disease.
That is why I am MORE THAN PINK~ A poster child for early detection.
This year I am once again captain of TEAM BELIEVE! And I need your support. Please come walk with the team on Saturday May 16, 2020 or donate to TEAM BELIEVE or go for an over due mammogram or whisper prayers for us in our efforts. Early detection saves lives. It has saved mine twice…
TO DONATE……Please find below, the link to Komen MORE THAN PINK walk. I would love your support in any way that is comfortable for you.
Select Participant or Team: and choose TEAM
Team Name is : Team Believe
This should take you to our donation page.
TO JOIN TEAM BELIEVE…….If you would like to join Team Believe, go to the link below:
Scroll down to Join an existing team… Click on find your team…(Team Believe) and there you will register for the MORE THAN PINK WALK Team Believe.
Thank you for listening to me, supporting me and now, thank you in advance for being part of this amazing event in Frisco Texas
I have just finished my treatments for this second go round of breast cancer. I am sick with radiation and the massive fatigue is driving me mad. I cry. A lot. Dear ones, take it from me. Have your screenings and stay well.
Love you beyond the moon.