Many, many years ago, I did a few sketches for Hallmark cards. I cannot remember the situation but I do remember the sketches. I loved the idea of ART for greeting cards and it has been part of my heart ever since.
As Larry and prepare to go to France each year, I design and create about 50 cards to mail from Paris. They are meant to be a simple greeting for this festive time of year, acknowledging the different faiths among our wonderful friends.
Many of our friends are starting to receive the cards we mailed a few weeks ago and relief has set in. With so many European Postal Carriers striking, we were not sure if the cards would even be delivered to the US.

Since the cards are being delivered now, I can share the cards, committing them to posterity on blog.
I hand painted 50 little canvases. 50-3X4″ canvases to be exact. It was wonderful painting these little abstract cuties to put on the cards this year.

The exercise of painting the canvases was beneficial for me. Artistic wise and commitment wise. I would like to do the same process again one day. It was awesome. (Perhaps next year?)
So, dear one, when you receive your card from us, know that it was sent with love and the best wishes for a lovely holiday.
Happy, Happy Saturday.
Love you beyond the mon.