Thank You Gladys Knight

It was a busy, kind of OK weekend for us. Even the Super Bowl was a dud. The Super Bowl was a bore, but in all of the chatter about it today, I did not hear one word about Gladys Knight.

Awesome, wonderful, Gladys Knight and the National Anthem. She looked beautiful, she sang like she was 20 years old and presented a class act in a difficult atmosphere. The U.S. Air Force Fly Over made me cry. These were my favorite moments of the Super Bowl.


Today is World Cancer Day. I wanted to share, as we have all been touched by the disease in a profound way.

This weekend, Larry and I picked up the new Team Believe Shirts. They are perfect. Soon, I will post the information where to buy one if you are interested. The information will be on the “Team Believe” page. {the link is on the menu above}

Photo: Team Believe Shirt: Front
Photo: Team Believe Shirt: Back

I have heard from a few of you, asking about the Komen Walk, {May 18th, 2019} The tee shirts and the raffle. Thank you so much for being interested. I will keep you posted about all of these subjects on the Team Believe Page. How blessed am I to have so many special people in my life?

So, on this Monday morning, I would like to say thank you. Your energy keeps me moving, your faith is my blessing and your kindness in the face of hate and anger, inspires me to be a better person.

Love you.


Ree! I Bit The Bullet

I have become a pizza snob and blame it on Europe. London and France serve the best pizzas in the world. The crust is thin, almost non existent compared to the healthy{ish} toppings. Since my diet has changed, my pizza ideals have changed. {I try not to eat white flour or white sugar}

Lets be honest, pizzas in Texas are thick crust with so many toppings that the crust has to be an inch thick to hold them all. I could eat regular pizzas once, a long time ago…but now, I promised Larry that we can have our favorite pizzas here at The Cottage.

Today I bit the bullet. The Pioneer Woman has a “Foolproof” pizza dough that she has on her web site and uses on her show often. I just made the dough. I have tired pizza dough before but it was never this easy. Did I do something wrong?

Photo: Pizza dough ready for the fridge

The dough was made in the mixer, put in the bowl, covered tightly and put in the fridge. Recipe said, it is best made 24 hours in advance, but 3 or 4 days is even better! I had to laugh! BUT I made the dough today and will assemble the pizzas on Sunday for Super Bowl. {3 days away}

The dough makes two pizzas. I will make one meat and one veggie. Please look for a Pizza Post next week!

The Pioneer Woman is always consistent and most often cooks clean… if you or anyone you know has made this pizza dough, I will love to hear from experienced pizza crust makers!

I love the idea of having a healthy pizza here at home…

Love you.


Team Believe/Thinking Pink

Yesterday, I registered My Larry and myself for the 2019 Komen North Texas Race. It will be held at “The Star” in Frisco, Texas on May 18, 2019. This is my annual renewal of dedication & promise and to encourage “Early Detection”…plus a 5K. Please find the link to my Komen page above.

I honestly don’t know if I will auction/raffle anything off this year. My thinking cap has been on strike some time now. All suggestions are welcome. {Please}

Photo: Vintage Team Believe shirt

Excuse the wrinkles, but I dug an old Team Believe shirt out of the closet this morning. The new Team believe shirts will be much like this one, but a little different. They will be available to order {from the T-shirt Company} in a few weeks. I will let you know the details after the prototypes are complete.

The Photo below is of the back of the vintage Tee. This is my original design and I entered it into a contest years ago. I did not win, but the people who sponsored the contest decided to use the design and profit from my work. I know that entering a contest relinquishes my copyright but…crap. I just hate when that happens.

Photo: Back of vintage tee

Please support finding a cure for breast cancer by a donation, prayers , walking the 5K with Team Believe {or any team} and by having your annual mammogram.

If perhaps you are going through this difficult disease, I am always here to help.. Email me at: [email protected]

A forever thank you goes to my friends who have been such an amazing support during treatment and even now. I love and adore you all.

Love you beyond the pink.



Yesterday was vanilla. A day like plain vanilla. I did the laundry, tried to walk at the lake but the wind became to fierce and cold that it was impossible. I went with Larry into Dallas while he had a quick drop-off for a client. We went out to dinner and came home where I had another nose bleed.

Ten years ago, I was having a bleed almost every day. I found a great DR. who burned the boo-boo ….for six months he tried that. {i forget what that is called} One appointment, he said: one more nose bleed and I operate. I had one and he operated. That was in July 2009. I have not had a bleed till we arrived in France this year. {I blew it off as dry air in the plane} Then I had one this past Sunday {a big one} and one yesterday, { a little one} . I am so sad that after ten years…

Photo: Tuesday painting

I usually paint with oils. But….today I am trying something new, and using acrylics. Larry bought me a new set and merde, I am ready for something new. I only use acrylics when I paint with my g-daughter. It is exciting trying something new.

So, as I forge ahead, trying new and exciting mediums….the day is sunny and bright. Perfect for painting.

What are you trying new? A recipe? A new exercise? No matter what it is, stay happy.

Love you.


Share Your Heart

What a weekend.

On Saturday we went to the Ft Worth Stock show. It is my favorite rodeo of all time. I had a corn dog. It was wonderful.

Photo: Stock Show-Getting ready for the show

Sunday I walked a much needed 4 miles, went to see one of the Oscar nominated movies, {Favourite}, made Sunday, Dinner and Movie, had a reflexology appointment and a nose bleed. {yes, in that order}

Sunday dinner consisted of chicken soup, cheese on toast with tomato and hot cheese puffs. The Turner Classic that was on was The Mating Game, with Debbie Reynolds and Tony Randall. We had never seen it so we watched as we enjoyed the meal.

Photo: Sunday Dinner and Movie

Now, here we are. A brand new week.

One of our greatest {couple} friends, who live in Memphis, lost their Father/Father-in-law late last week. Larry and I wish them strength, love and happy memories as they share Mr Aven’s legacy.

Our Mr Garcia is being interned today at the Tennessee Veterans Cemetery. Prayers are being whispered for the family.

Have a great day. Share your heart today, we never know what tomorrow might bring.

Love you.


Tuesday At The Cottage

Photo: Matilda gave me this sweet tree It make me feel wintry.

It is cold outside and I am so late posting Blog today. It is because I watched the Academy Awards Nominations in bed. Each year {you might already know this} Larry and I see each nominated movie and on Oscar night, we have dinner and the red carpet/ awards. The process is fun and we see movies that ordinarily we might not go to see.


Photo: One of my Christmas gifts is a Pug Dog quilt pattern

For Christmas, I received a quilt pattern and fabric. It is for a quilting technique known as paper-piecing. I was given loads of fabric to make a quilt. Yesterday I took the pattern to Office Depot and had it enlarged. Excitement is building! I cannot wait to start this new project. Stay tuned?


Photo: Left over blueberry bars

Last year I became very sick. It was then I took myself off all meds and started feeling better. I am still exercising, I am organic, except for the random Excedrin Migraine for the random headache I get. But in all of this “getting healthy,” there is a casualty. I love to cook, but when I do, there are always left overs and then throw-aways. Larry goes out of town and leaves me with things like this. The neighbors are getting sick of me bringing food over, so I throw it away. It really upsets me to waste things, especially when people are hungry.

Larry is in San Antonio. Attending a convention for one of his clients. I was invited but chose to stick around the house and throw food away.

What are YOU doing today? Go on, smile…..

Love you.


Merci La Cuisine Paris

While in France, we are usually busy with family and friends. This year, our trip was spiced with very personal meaningful moments.

One of the things we did was take a cooking class. I have followed a Parisian Cooking School for many years on Instagram. I registered us months before class as they fill up very fast.

This year we took an hors d’oeuvre class. It was wonderful. The experience was only positive and welcoming.

We went to La Cuisine Paris.

Photo: my favorite cooking school in Paris

I shall just post the link to La Cusine Paris here~

Photo: ME! At a Paris cooking class.
Photo: the goodies we made in class

Many people ask us about things to do while in Paris. This one is top of our list, even though it took us so long to sign up. The owner and staff of La Cuisine de Paris are amazing. English is spoken as is French. The classes are as simple or complicated as you wish to experience. I took so many photos, I learned so many wonderful techniques and we met the sweetest people. {Taking the class and working there}

My Larry is already talking about next years class that we will take. You know that LARRY DOES NOT COOK, right? Well he does now and now he feels comfortable with me in the kitchen.

Merci beaucoup La Cuisine De Paris. The experience was beyond expectation.

Love you.


Dear Oscar Academy

I am tired. Tired of hearing about Kevin Hart and the “Oscar Apology”. I have my own thoughts about apologies and how to approach subjects when a person has hurt another. Over the past 25 years, I have been witness to inflicted hurt and denial. But, with that said, that is in the past and there is nothing anyone can do about the yesterdays in our life.

Moving on, the best way possible is what a hurt heart needs. A smile and true actions. Sometimes it is difficult. An estranged cousin recently called and demanded a phone number for a family member. I just did not respond. Sometimes I wonder what arrogance lives in the hearts of people when their actions are appalling.

Back to important thoughts….Dear Oscar Academy. You need a host or two on February 24, 2019. My Larry and I are not busy. I have a few skeletons in the closet as I refuse to apologize for anything I have not done. My life is blemished but happy. Each day is a joy and as I get older, I realize that life is entirely to short to waste a single moment being insulted, hurt, or disrespected. Learning to just walk away was my greatest lesson.

Photo: Robin & Larry Paris, France 2018

No one is blemish free. But….we all have the ability to move on and make the future joyful and kind.

Dear Academy, have “your” people call “our” people…

Love you,
