The Oatmeal Cookie Recipe~ Chef Valentine

Bobbie S. This recipe is for you!



1 cup raisins

Amaretto liqueur

1 small Ball jar


1 stick butter, soft

3/4 cup dark brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vinalla

1 1/2 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 cups oats


Three days before making cookies. Place 1 cup raisins in ball jar. Cover with Amaretto Liqueur. Place in fridge till time to bake cookies.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Drain raisins. Put aside.

In large bowl, cream butter and sugars till creamy.

Add eggs and vanilla. Combine well.

In another bowl, add flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt. Mix well.

Add flour mixture to butter mixture. Mix well.

Add raisins and oats. Mix well.

Using a 1 1/2″cookie scoop, drop onto cookie sheet. {un-greased}

Bake about 10 min till light golden brown.

Cool a couple of min before removing from cookie sheet.

Cool completely on wire rack.

Photo: Raisins soaking up Amaretto Liqueur

Enjoy the goodness.

Q & A

Oh my goodness! I loved all of your comments yesterday. Your thoughtful words made me smile. Merci beaucoup. After reading all of your comments, I thought, if I invited each of you who commented to a dinner party, you would get along so well. Perhaps I should start planning something?

About a journal. Yesterday, I took pictures after so many texts, mails and comments. Please, never hesitate to ask me anything!

Photo: This is my journal. The Wave. design

My journal has a refill. I won this journal winning a game of chess. It is by Oberon.

Photo: Inside the journal.

Inside the journal, I glue things, above are place cards that Matilda made when we had a dinner at The Cottage for her parents. The fortunes were from our dinner the night before at PF Changs.

Photo: My journal is a mess. but it is MY mess!
Photo: These are my journal markers.

My daughter Lauren got me hooked on these particular markers. I only use these and I travel with them also, so I can journal far away from home. {if you journal far away from home, don’t forget a glue stick. I am always gluing things in my journal}

Photo: My favorite brand
Photo: My agenda/planner by Oberon Designs

The planner above is where I keep everything. EVERYTHING. The Mont Blanc pen {above} was a gift from Larry last year while in France.

Photo: The inside of my agenda.

The above photo is the inside of my planner with…”The Pen” …..this is the scary pen. It has a real sapphire in it. I have had it for many years but has had only one refill. I do not use it often.

Have I answered all the questions? Wait! Just one more….Bobbie ……Of course I will share the oatmeal recipe with you. I have a secret part to the recipe but what the heck!!!! I will try to post it for you tomorrow…

Have a happy, happy Friday.

Love you beyond all Oberon Designs


A Simple Little Blog

This is a simple blog. It is my journal {I DO have a handwritten journal}, my coffee {I don’t drink coffee}, my cigarette {I don’t smoke} and my breakfast {I don’t eat breakfast}.

It must frustrate some people {huge web masters, etc} that I am happy with my simple little blog.

Yesterday in my mail, there was a note from someone promising to get thousands of hits for me, upgraded format and ads. They promised success.

I was thinking about that last night. What truly is success? How can someone who has never met me, know what success means to me?

The only thing that I would like is….more comments. I have asked before but my sweet readers are the quiet sort. It is true, I love hearing your thoughts here. In the comment section. Where we can all read the opinions as long as Blog lives. This morning, I was looking on line and look what I found.

How creepy is that? At least it confirms that others like comments too! I am not crazy!

Love you.


About Tuesday

I seemed to struggle all day yesterday. I struggled making a quilt square. I struggled exercising. I struggled planning a meal and I missed Libby.

We have to have the bad days so that we can appreciate the good ones. Once I embroidered a sampler that said that, it was a prayer. For Larry. I wonder where it is?

Photo: Pug quilt square

Lauren gave me a quilt pattern for Christmas. Yesterday I started making it. I ripped out so many seams….today I will try it again. At least I got one block made.

Photo: The Pug Quilt Square

Last night before dinner, Larry and I went to the archery range. We shot for about an hour. Then we went to Snappy Salads for dinner.

Photo: The target behind Larry is an Olympic target. Oh if only it could talk.

I have much to learn about shooting, but it is an intriguing sport and I like it a lot.

I am off to make another Pug quilt square. Please have the best day you can.

Love you.


Birthdays and Windy Weather

Lew lives next door. Debbie, his sweet daughter lives there too. They are the sweetest neighbors you could ever ask for. Yesterday was Lew’s Birthday. He is in his 8th decade of life. How wonderful is that?

I baked birthday treats for him. Oatmeal cookies and little candies.

Photo: Oatmeal cookies
Photo: Rolo candies

Larry and I delivered them early. We wanted to be the first ones to say, Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was a sunny, windy day in Texas. On Larry’s lunch hour, he walked laps at the lake with me. The wind resistance {45 MPH} made the walk difficult, but I needed that blast of air in my face.

Love you beyond Rolo candies {and that is saying a lot!}.


One Project Finished, One In Progress And One Ready To Start

This past weekend was so much fun. On Saturday I qualified to shoot at the archery range! {I will share more later} After shooting for over an hour, Larry and I headed for downtown Dallas, stopping for sandwiches on the way. We went to the Dallas zoo, where we had a wonderful picnic and walked over 3 miles.

Photo: Larry’s favorite fast food sandwich is Jersey Mikes. Perfect for a picnic!

At the zoo, we walked at our regular {exercise}pace, but I must confess, there were times when we stopped to enjoy the “day”…..

Photo: This awesome woman is the caretaker of these particular monkeys. You can see why.

It was a sunny warm day in Dallas, all of the animals at the zoo, were enjoying the weather.

Photo: This is my favorite girl, Lacy. her coloring is perfection and she looks me in the eye each time I visit her. I think she knows me.

On Sunday, we went to church, had lunch with friends and came home for “Oscar” night. We had seen all of the nominated movies and were excited to see who would win. Oh, yes, I cooked dinner too. {Lucky we only had salads for lunch}

Photo: Sunday wine
Photo: I made Dijon beef….a recipe I enjoyed in France

Photo: Dijon beef, veggies cheese and bread
Photo: At the dinner table

It was a lovely evening with My Larry. A lot went on yesterday and I was happy to be home.

This Monday morning, I have laundry started and as I sit here…

I have one Project finished. {below}

Photo: I fell in love with this odd colored Levis jacket. I sketched on it and embroidered Queen Anne’s lace on it. {and beaded it} Finished on Saturday!
Photo: Green Easter sweater

The Easter sweater is in progress. It is 3/4’s of the way finished and I LOVE the color! I have to find fabric to match for an Easter dress.

Today I am starting a project. A new quilt. For Christmas, Lauren gave me a pattern and a shamefully large amount of fabric. The fabric is in the washer, the pattern is ready!

Photo: New quilt pattern. A PUG quilt pattern. {as seen on my board}

I enlarged the pug pattern and hope to make ten or twelve blocks. I will share more as I get started…..just think. A pug quilt. That makes me smile.

If you were going to make or receive a quilt, what would it look like?

Love you beyond the pugs.


Daunting or Not?

Yesterday was an OK day. I managed to get a project near finished and knit, making a sweater I have been working on for awhile. The sweater is a lovely green, and I would like to design a dress to go with it for Easter. IF I finish the sweater. Why do things like this feel so daunting?

Photo: The Three Guys

The Three Guys keep watch from a pedestal in the kitchen. They have been bought over the years while we traveled, have sweet smiles and remind me to focus, stay calm and remember that I am not in charge.

While checking on The Three Guys today, I looked out onto the patio. Specifically, my chive pot. The pot that Larry emptied for me in the fall, so I could replant this spring.

Photo: The Chive Pot

Excuse the tilted photo, it was raining outside and I snapped the shot very fast…but look! The pot has chives growing. The terra cotta was empty two weeks ago! I guess Larry did not get all of the roots. When I showed him, he shook his head. Said: strong chives… and then he laughed. HA! Please excuse that thing in the lions nose. I just noticed that.

Some of you read BLOG every day. Here is a trivia question. In the picture below, what is happening?

Photo: In the kitchen

Please have a happy Friday and….

Hello Weekend!!!

Love you.


For The Birds

I almost forgot to post here this morning. I did a few things around the house, wrote an email to my cousin and straightened up the house, even though it primarily just gets dusty these days.

Thunder showers are booming and I can hear birds calling out to each other. It might be that they are fighting over the food that Larry puts out for them.

Photo: Larry putting bird food out

I think that we have stock in the bird food company. Larry feeds them all the time.

There is so much bad weather in our country right now. So, dear friends, wherever you may be, please stay warm, dry, safe, feed the birds and lets throw be HAPPY in there just because.

Love you.


It Feels Special

I was told once that you can tell a woman’s favorite clothes designer by how she wears her everyday clothes. True?

One of my favorite designers was as tall as I am, loved cats, had a pony tail {like My Larry} and was a prolific clothes designer. He lived on rue de Universite, Paris {where our good friend Felix lives!} and started designing clothes in the late 1950’s. He often lied about his age, loved Paris and had an unusual artist wit.

M. Karl Lagerfeld Died this week at the American Hospital in Paris. He was “thought” to be 85 years old.

Photo: M. Lagerfeld and friends. One of my favorite shots.

Photo: One of my favorite dresses.

I have a wonderful Lagerfeld dress. Larry saw it and insisted I try it on. Then he insisted on buying it for me. I treasure everything about this dress. Larry picking it out for me. Trying it on, having it fitted….and then wearing it. It FEELS special. Do you know how some people make you feel wonderful? Special? That is how this dress makes me feel.

I like the “old” designers best of all. Classic lines and deep colors. Perfection.

Rest well Karl. {and thank you}

Love you.
