Yesterday was my birthday. It was a source of excitement for months because birthdays are the best of all holidays. You may not know it but my friends birthdays are ALL listed in my sweet little agenda. They may not hear from me, but if you listen closely enough, you can hear me whisper: Happy Birthday.
Larry made reservations at a little Bistro in Dallas for my birthday. We have been there often. It is cozy and charming. It takes about 45 min to an hour to get there from the cottage. When we arrived, they were closed. CLOSED. {the bad storms in Dallas left much of the city without power and had much damage. We had checked the bistro web site, and called. No messages were left anywhere about the storm and we thought that it was business as usual}
After a couple of hours driving home in the post storm traffic, we had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in Richardson. It was the most wonderful birthday I could have imagined.
In 1978, the first year that Larry and I were married, his mother gave me a birthday plate. I treasured that plate. I would bake and send goodies to friends on that plate. For about fifteen years, I used that plate. It meant the world to me. We had moved from Memphis to Texas and I used that wonderful treasure to share love and goodies. The plate was always returned back to me. Until once, I made cookies and delivered them asking only that the plate would be returned. It is the last time I ever saw the plate and the last delivery had been to my sister. {It was before we discontinued our dysfunctional relationship} The odd thing is, this year, I cannot get that plate out of my mind. Look!
I wonder if I can still order a This Day Is A Rose Plate? Noooo. It just would not be the same…
Love you beyond the moon.