The Shelves

I am at my work table. Larry is dressing to go into town and to be honest, I am “just here”…

My music for today is the soundtrack from Little Women. The 1994 version. When I was teaching ART classes, I would play music as the students worked. This CD was a favorite of all. Last year when Jami was so ill, one day she texted me, and the text said, Mom, I feel awful and I am listening to the Little Women Soundtrack. Isn’t it amazing how music can generate so many memories?

Photo: One of my favorite soundtracks ever

In more current news, I promised myself that I will walk 2 miles 5 times a week. Larry is helping me stay true to my word by walking with me during his lunch hour. It is hard. Very hard. I am tired and my right hip is acting up. I am walking every mile and that darn Fit Bit is keeping me accountable.

Photo: The view from my work table

In about 50 min, the house will be empty. Larry will be going off to meetings and I will be working on a project. I do not work on certain projects while Larry is home. He likes to look over my shoulder and make sweet comments.

I like it best when he sees a project when it is complete. When it is to my liking and then he can comment…The wonderful thing is, he loves everything that I do. He truly does.

I look over at the shelves {pictured above} while I pause writing. The soundtrack is playing and I feel sweet tugs at my heart.

How can I be so grumpy when so many beautiful things are surrounding me?

Love you beyond the moon.


Garlic Cheese Bread

A few years ago, I saw this bread being made on the food channel. {I was having my nails done and copied the recipe on a scrap of paper} I have put my own spin on the recipe and it has become a favorite. It is fast to put together and delicious. Larry and I love it. Yesterday I was asked to post the recipe. Enjoy.

Photo: The Food Network gets credit

Garlic Cheese Bread


1 stick unsalted butter~melted

3 Tablespoons olive oil

4 – 6 cloves garlic minced

Kosher salt

1 – 2 teaspoons dried Oregano

1/2 – 1 cup Asiago cheese

1 {about 8″} round loaf of French Country or Sourdough Bread ~ I buy the Kroger bakery bread for this recipe


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Use a bread knife to cut a “hatch pattern into the top of the bread. {stopping short from cutting all the way through the bottom of the loaf, so it stays together.}

In the pan where you melted the butter, add the olive oil and garlic to the butter. Stir often and cook till golden. {Just a few moments}

Stir in 3/4 teaspoon salt and oregano. Remove from heat.

Gently separate the cubes of bread around the top of the loaf. Spoon garlic butter into the cuts and spread it around the cut surface. Use all butter except 2 Tablespoons.

Slather the rest of the garlic butter on top of the loaf.

Sprinkle the cheese between the cuts and on top of loaf. Wrap the loaf in foil.

Put bread on a baking sheet, bake bread till heated through about 10-15 minutes.

Unwarap the loaf, and bake 5 more minutes till top is crispy..

Serve Immediately and have fun pulling it apart!

Till next time.


Valentine Weekend

Valentines Day was wonderful. Larry insisted on celebrating on February the 13th. We had dinner at a favorite restaurant. The piano player played Unforgettable for us. That has been “our” song for 30 years now…SECRET: Whenever we would host a dinner party, holiday party, etc. I would always have hours of music planned. Larry and I had an agreement. Whenever Nat King Cole’s Unforgettable would play….no matter where we were in the house or what we were doing, we would excuse ourselves and meet on the back patio. And dance. A quiet moment in the midst of wonderful moments with our guests. Unforgettable is our song.

On Friday, the 14th, Larry and I went to the Dallas Symphony. Ruth Reinhardt, a new conductor is amazing. The Symphony performed Romeo and Juliet. {Tchaikovsky}

On Saturday, we went to Granddaughter Matilda’s basket ball game. It was her teams last game and they had plans to go out to lunch. Larry and I were invited. So much positive engery was contagious. I loved being with the team.

On Sunday Larry and I picked Matilda up at her house and took her to the Heard Museum.

Photo: Matilda at the Heard Museum Exhibit

We wanted her to see the Dinosaur exhibit before it closed. We spent the entire afternoon at the Nature Museum. It was glorious.

Sunday dinner and a movie was postponed till today…

Love you beyond the moon.


A Sweet Stack In My Grandfathers Desk

Photo: Pablo{the mentor} sits at the entry to our cottage

The rain is still coming down. I cannot paint because the lighting is soooo bad. Larry is dressed and will venture into Dallas for his Wednesday meetings. Rain is standing in most of the roads and I am creeped out beyond belief.

A few weeks ago, Lauren and Matilda, posted on Facebook that I might be a bit “down” and that cards would be appreciated. They had blocked me from the post and I knew nothing….then so many wonderful cards and messages started arriving. I honestly could not figure out why I was getting so much mail. I know some of the people who have sent messages. I have met some wonderful people because they reached out to me, to encourage and cheer me up. It certainly has helped. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to write to me or send a card. It means so much. {forgive me if I repeat. I feel thankful and overwhelmed}

I love to write real notes and I know what it takes to accomplish it. Each card that I have received, I appreciate very much… I have them in a sweet stack, in my Grandfathers desk. I look at them often and feel thankful.

Larry is ready to leave for his meetings. There is an Internet project that I am working on {stay tuned} that so far has been fun and easy. Don’t you LOVE easy projects?

Thank you for listening. Have the best day.

Love you beyond the moon.


A Restaurant Opening

Photo: Oh the lime { a perfect margarita}

Last night, Larry and I went to a restaurant opening. It lightened up our entire evening. A party that starts a business and welcomes the community, is always special.

We met many charming people, ate wonderful food and stayed up much past my bed time.

It is exactly what I needed for a Monday night.

Secret: I am at the age, where I LOVE a party. I get to observe the crazy, sweet and kind behavior that goes on around me…At 65 years old, a person is treated differently than when a person was, say, 45 years old. It is VERY interesting. I don’t think that I mind it at all.

Love you beyond the moon.


Rosie Days

The weekend went by so fast, it hardly even feels like Monday. Today, my new car has a check up at the dealership. Laundry is started. This afternoon, people are coming in town and tonight we must go to a ….let me call it a gathering.

It is super early. It is before 6:30 am. Why are houses more quiet in the dark?

Last night we had our Oscar Dinner. Larry made a cheese board and I helped out by making hard cooked eggs and pop overs for it.

The table was set. We watched The Red Carpet and chatted about the day.

Photo: Ready for the Oscars
Photo; Nibbles
Photo: One of our favorite Champagnes. Yum.
Photo: Popovers to die for

OH, and we had blueberry pie for dessert. It was fun, calm and delicious.

I find myself wondering what this next year holds. I am shell shocked by this past year and I hate thinking negative things. So….by the Oscars next year, life WILL be rosie. la vie en rose for sure…. I wish you la vie en rose too…….

Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose

When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose

When you press me to your heart
I’m in a world apart
A world where roses bloom

And when you speak angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs

Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose

And when you speak angels sing from above
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs

Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La vie en rose.

Love you beyond the Moon.


For Now And Evermore

Yesterday, I did not mean to be mysterious about our plans for the day…to be honest I was not ready to talk about it. Now I am.

On Wednesday, Larry and I had word that 21 Veterans were being buried at DFW National Cemetery, alone. No loved ones or friends were with them when they died or would be with them at burial.

It was cold yesterday. Larry was worried about me standing in the cold for a long time but we both felt that we needed to be there. We bundled up and made our way to South Dallas…it was a beautiful day.

I found a video of the service online…

To be alone at any time of your life has to be awful…these men fought for our country. I respect and morn for them. I will add all their names below. If you could, would you please whisper a prayer for them? Or say a kind word to your heaven? Then they will not be alone. The Veterans are…..

  1. Carl Hunt, Army (Vietnam)
  2. Jon Ulrey, Marine Corps, 1958
  3. Michael Mattox, Air Force (Vietnam)
  4. Christopher Kirk, Navy, (Vietnam)
  5. Jose Mireles, Army, ’79-’82
  6. David Butler, Army (Vietnam)
  7. Howard Wright, Army (Vietnam)
  8. David Hocutt, Army (Vietnam)
  9. Mark Parra, Marine Corps (Vietnam)
  10. Dennis Baker, Air Force, (Vietnam/Persian Gulf)
  11. James McCormick, Army (Vietnam)
  12. John Burford, Army (Vietnam)
  13. Hal Thomas, Marine Corps (Vietnam)
  14. Arthur Matts, Army (Korea)
  15. Kenneth Floyd, Air Force (Korea)
  16. Scotty Priddy, Army (Vietnam)
  17. Russell Williams, Army (Vietnam)
  18. Kenneth Embree, Air Force (Vietnam)
  19. Rufus Griffin, Army (Vietnam)
  20. Brian Kirkbride, Army (Vietnam)
  21. Roger Middleton, Army ’76 – ’83

Love you.
