I am at my work table. Larry is dressing to go into town and to be honest, I am “just here”…
My music for today is the soundtrack from Little Women. The 1994 version. When I was teaching ART classes, I would play music as the students worked. This CD was a favorite of all. Last year when Jami was so ill, one day she texted me, and the text said, Mom, I feel awful and I am listening to the Little Women Soundtrack. Isn’t it amazing how music can generate so many memories?

In more current news, I promised myself that I will walk 2 miles 5 times a week. Larry is helping me stay true to my word by walking with me during his lunch hour. It is hard. Very hard. I am tired and my right hip is acting up. I am walking every mile and that darn Fit Bit is keeping me accountable.

In about 50 min, the house will be empty. Larry will be going off to meetings and I will be working on a project. I do not work on certain projects while Larry is home. He likes to look over my shoulder and make sweet comments.
I like it best when he sees a project when it is complete. When it is to my liking and then he can comment…The wonderful thing is, he loves everything that I do. He truly does.
I look over at the shelves {pictured above} while I pause writing. The soundtrack is playing and I feel sweet tugs at my heart.
How can I be so grumpy when so many beautiful things are surrounding me?
Love you beyond the moon.