Valentine’s Egg Sandwiches


Herbs grow crazy on our back patio…

and a rosemary bush stands in the front entry.

What is it about fresh herbs? Wholesome and comforting.

I use them daily and give them a haircut each weekend.

Yesterday, the chives were tall and we needed comfort food.

Larry asked for

Valentine’s Egg Sandwiches.

 many of you asked for the recipe….


Egg Sandwiches

{makes 4}


4 slices of your favorite bread {we use wheat}

8 slices of bacon or turkey bacon

4 lovely slices of tomato {lovely meaning not to thin}

4-8 slices of your favorite cheese (I use what is in the fridge}

4 eggs

kosher salt

4 Tablespoons chopped chives {chopped}


Cook bacon till crisp.

Slice tomato.

Heat broiler and toast bread on both sides.

Leave bread on pan while you work,

place 1 slice tomato on each slice.

Place 2 slices of crisp bacon on each slice.

Top the bacon with cheese, either one slice or two.

Now is time to place these under the broiler till cheese bubbles.

Bring them out and let sandwiches  cool while you fry or poach your eggs.

I fried ours.

When egg is finished, place on the top of cheese

and sprinkle with fresh chives.

Serve with lemonade.

Enjoy on the patio.

Can life get any better?

Till next time.


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