Little Dedo is, according to an old story, is a small gargoyle with pointy ears and human-like feet who lives on the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral. When the cathedral was built in 1160, a nun from a tiny convent in Provence disliked the menacing gargoyles that were being placed on top of the building as reminders of the nature of sin and evil. As the daughter of a stone cutter, she had learned the tools of the trade and decided to put them to good use. One day, she disguised herself as a workman, gained entrance to the work site and quickly carved the sculpture from a small block before placing it on the highest roof. The gargoyle remained undiscovered for centuries until a small boy, lost in the labyrinthine roof, stumbled off a ledge and rolled down into the lap of the gargoyle. Since its rediscovery, the creature has been affectionately known as Little Dedo, the gargoyle with the crossed toes. In response, some parents keep a statue of this gargoyle around their house in the hope that it will protect their children.
.Larry and I were introduced to the story of Dedo about 12 years ago and bought a replica of the gargoyle {while in Paris} who sits in our fireplace. He has been part of our every day for a very long time.
This weekend, we went to Scarborough Fair, a Renaissance fair in central Texas It is always interesting at a Ren-Fest, and this year was no exception for we found a Dedo! {and brought him home!}

We saw Unicorns and found Dedo! He was a long way from France and we brought him home for the Zen Garden. How can life get any better?
I wish you a day filled with Unicorns and Gargoyles.
Happy Monday.
Love you.