Yesterday, while preparing to write the blog post, I found a couple of adorable photos. I put them aside till today, hoping to share a special time that I get to observe each June/July.
When our girl~granddaughter~Matilda was born, Larry bought wine to celebrate. When Lauren and Josh brought her home from the hospital, Larry asked if they would mind him taking a few shots of baby Matilda with the wine. They were very accommodating and said yes. Matilda was 3 days old.

Starting then and to this day, each year, Larry buys a bottle of Champagne to toast Matilda. He always says that he cannot wait till she is 21 and she can toast with us.
He also has a photo of her with a new Champagne bottle for each year of her life. I will not show them here. They are for Larry to share and they are wonderful!
After the photo shoot of this year, {2019} Matilda came back to The Cottage to start Camp Robi, I caught her smiling at the Champagne and she asked me to take her picture.

What more can I say? Birthdays are the best and next week, while the adults are toasting our angel, Matilda will be hosting a swimming/unicorn party.

I always heard that Grand Children were the best thing to come into the life of the grand~parent. Never knowing exactly what that meant, I just smiled and listened to my friends share about how a grandchild changed their life.
How absolutely true every word they said was.
Having a grandchild is like unicorns becoming real. Special beyond belief and indescribable.
Love you.