A Perfect Weekend

The weekend was perfection.

Matilda spent the night on Friday night.


She played in the guest room at the doll house for hours

and we had a fun time.{it was her first sleep over}

Saturday, found us all {Lars, Josh, Matilda, Jami, Larry and myself}

at the Main Event in Plano,

celebrating my Larry’s birthday.

{we bowled and then Matilda played the games}

On Sunday we went with Matilda to see Santa.


I LOVE how she is looking at Santa!

When we came home….Larry and I took a walk.

I hope that this does not offend anyone,

we call this  walk: The White Trash Walk.

It is a few mile hike to our local Neighborhood Wall Mart.

I buy things and carry the bags home,

looking like a homeless person.

Larry says that we look like white trash.

Yesterday we carried home a bird feeder, bird food

and we had visitors already this morning!


While Larry has been off, at meetings and lunching with clients today,

I finished Jamison’s Christmas gift


will start knitting another hat for Matilda.

She said: I would like a FOX hat for Christmas.

I said: Maybe you should ask Santa.

She said: He does NOT know how to make it, only Robi can make it.

That conversation still makes me smile.

Today is make a knitted FOX hat for ma cherie.

How excellent can any request be?

I Love Christmas.

Love you beyond ribbons and wrapping paper.
