At The Time

This week in San Antonio was wonderful.

The above shot was taken from the sweet balcony off of our living room.

It made me sigh…….

The city holds many memories for me, good and bad,

but I love it so much.

We have good friends who live there


favorite restaurants.

Larry took me to our favorite

on Wednesday night.

We sat inside, but our window overlooked the Riverwalk


we could hear the Mariachi playing outside.

I sat across from Larry

and we talked.

A lot.

We talked of life, love and  the happy things in our lives.

I have come to the conclusion that

just being with Larry, wherever in the world,

is my favorite  place at that time.

Right now, we are home….

my favorite!

Love you.




Beyond The Roue de Paris

Yesterday, I felt under the weather.

{had a cold}

It was beautiful outside and  felt like I missed the entire day.

I read in bed then knitted and watched TV.

Last night, I cuddled next to My Larry


watched a great documentary on William Shakespeare.

It was kind of awesome.


There are 19 days left till Valentine’s Day.

Today’s Love Quote:

Doubt thou the stars are fire;

Doubt that the sun doth move;

Doubt truth to be a liar;

But never doubt I love.

~william shakespeare~

Larry Is in San Antonio and he always reads  Toujours..

Hello Love.

I hope that you have a nice day

and that your meetings go well.

Do you remember the year that we spent

Valentine’s Day In France?

That was kind of awesome too.

Libby and I miss you


 love you beyond Le Grande Roue  Ride.
