Yesterday, I felt under the weather.
{had a cold}
It was beautiful outside and felt like I missed the entire day.
I read in bed then knitted and watched TV.
Last night, I cuddled next to My Larry
watched a great documentary on William Shakespeare.
It was kind of awesome.
There are 19 days left till Valentine’s Day.
Today’s Love Quote:
Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.
~william shakespeare~
Larry Is in San Antonio and he always reads Toujours..
Hello Love.
I hope that you have a nice day
and that your meetings go well.
Do you remember the year that we spent
Valentine’s Day In France?
That was kind of awesome too.
Libby and I miss you
love you beyond Le Grande Roue Ride.