Larry and I packed up a brunch picnic and went to the Dallas Arboretum early yesterday. It was very busy and everyone whom we met was so kind. We sat in our favorite garden and enjoyed brunch.

We watched the squirrels and birds, mostly humming birds and cardinals dance through the garden. I was enchanted by so much activity. Larry and I visited about many things and as always enjoyed just being together.

I do not think that I am ready for a new week. My to-do list is huge this week…and I am dragging my feet about getting things started. Is there medicine for this problem?

Last week I finished The Good House (great book) and went back to a book that I started earlier this summer. I was about one quarter through…..

This book is amazing. You can almost hear Katherine Hepburn talking, telling the stories of her personal life and career. Because I am reading this book…Larry and I pulled up all Katherine Hepburn movies. There are so many….we decided to watch The Madwoman Of Chaillot. This 1969 gem is set in Paris and my only suggestion is to watch the entire movie. (you have to see the end!) It is a satirical based movie, with the most amazing cast. Because it was filmed in Paris, I loved seeing the 1969 look of the city….and so many well known actors in the roles of good and evil. (it is a little confusing at times, but please stick with it)
It is Tuesday, and feels like Monday. I better get busy…. Have a happy day!
Love you beyond the moon.