Yesterday the unthinkable happened. The Cathedral Of Notre Dame caught fire and burned extensively.. I got phone calls from old, dear friends, text messages, emails from wonderful people who wanted me to know what was happening. They also shared their hearts and thoughts about the fire.
I loved that part most of all. Kind, sweet thoughts about a place far away. Some of the messages were from people who had never been to the Cathedral. Each and every connection was simply perfect.
Larry and I have the privilege to pray at the Cathedral Of Notre Dame each year. Twenty three years now…..we have many names on our prayer list and we light candles for loved ones and others who need prayer. I cry during the prayers and while lighting the candles of hope. The moments are emotional and filled with faith. Yesterday, I cried, but for a different reason.
Larry and I went through old photos last night. I took photos of the photos, straight from the album.

it was at Notre Dame Cathedral. The photo was on film and had double exposure.. We were sitting for prayers.
The chairs behind us are for congregation.

This is where we light the candles too.

Larry and I have dozens of other photos of the church. These were the most meaningful for me. I loved seeing old moments captured.
I will be starting the prayer list early this year. Please feel free to email me your name or the name of someone whom you are concerned for…..
Today is a brand new day. Please enjoy each moment, as you never know tomorrow might hold.
Love you.