
This donated tea pot is such a sweet idea, I cannot stand it.

Since Ash Wednesday, each day I donate an item from my closet in the bags that occupy the guest room. There are 3 full bags of clothing, shoes and yarn. There is also a sewing machine. (Larry bought me a new one last month.) So as I donate things from my closet for Lent…I need to find an old tea-pot for the local birds. The old things in my closet ran out weeks ago. I have been donating newer things recently. It is a little difficult. On Monday, I will deliver all of the donation bags to Goodwill.

Sharing our gifts is a joy…..

Have a wonderful weekend.

Love you beyond this moon.



Last summer, I left Face Book for a few months.

The negitive postings

either upset me or made me sad.

I returned because I was missing many of my daughters posts.

{and photos of grand daughter, Matilda!}

Last evening, after being appalled at a friends post,

I thought why do I  log on to this ignorant site?

Half of my friends voted red, half blue.

Do you know what is awesome?


But now they are trying to convince the population of Face Book

that they made the best choice.


I wish I had that kind of time to waste.

So, in honor of the “dear ones”

who find that fighting about politics on Face Book is productive,

I am going to buy a case of beans


donate it to Minnie’s Food Pantry in Plano.


{wouldn’t it be awesome, for every political argument on Face Book

a case of food would be donated to a food pantry?}

Libby Pug is lazy in the studio,

but will be asleep soon. It is early.


There are 27 days till Valentine’s Day

Love quote for today is:

Love must be as much a light as a flame.

~henry david thoreau~

I love you.
