After a few long days, Larry has returned home. The quiet cottage is once again fulled with Larry’s voice, breath, laughter, footsteps and smile.
He was home in the early evening, in time to eat dinner. I made him baked ziti, a salad and garlic bread. For dessert we had white chocolate pudding.
After dinner and after he finished catching up on work, we decided to watch a movie since nothing good was on TV.
A year ago, while at my work table, I found a movie on my laptop. It was a great movie and I often thought maybe on a quiet night Larry and I would watch it. Tonight was the perfect night.
We watched “Dare To Be Wild”….

Dare to be wild is a true story about Mary Reynolds, the plant whisperer. It was one of my favorite movies last year. Larry and I settled in, both of us so glad that he was home and watched the movie. Larry liked it for different reasons other than mine but we both loved it.
It is a very cold Friday morning. A new washer is to be delivered this morning and Larry is home…
Love you.