This is a simple blog. It is my journal {I DO have a handwritten journal}, my coffee {I don’t drink coffee}, my cigarette {I don’t smoke} and my breakfast {I don’t eat breakfast}.
It must frustrate some people {huge web masters, etc} that I am happy with my simple little blog.
Yesterday in my mail, there was a note from someone promising to get thousands of hits for me, upgraded format and ads. They promised success.
I was thinking about that last night. What truly is success? How can someone who has never met me, know what success means to me?
The only thing that I would like is….more comments. I have asked before but my sweet readers are the quiet sort. It is true, I love hearing your thoughts here. In the comment section. Where we can all read the opinions as long as Blog lives. This morning, I was looking on line and look what I found.
How creepy is that? At least it confirms that others like comments too! I am not crazy!
Love you.