Photo: Larry ~ Sous Chef

After my bath, I strolled through the house, looking for My Larry {he was not in his office}. I found him in the kitchen, chopping up bell pepper and onion.

Photo: Veggies for chili

It is going to HOT again in Texas, but all I can think about is my Mothers chili. I want it and I want it today! Typical for Larry’s accommodating personality, my wish is…….you know the rest.

Right now, Mothers chili is doing its time in the old Crock Pot. Eight hours to be exact. Larry has gone into town for a meeting and I must get dressed and get busy.

Two years ago, after lack luster receptions, I swore that I would stop making hand-made gifts for Christmas. {perhaps I chose the wrong recipients?} Insert frown face. BUT here I am, again, making gifts for Christmas. Call me CRAZY.

Chili is in the Crock Pot, Christmas gifts are being created….to bad that it is going to be 95 degrees outside today.

While I am working at the sewing machine, I watch Netflix. {in my cool studio} There is a very interesting series I found. Will share it on Blog tomorrow if it is not to gruesome today.

Have the best day. Follow your heart, be happy.

Love you beyond Frito Pie,

Just call me CRAZY

The Music Box

One cold winter, Larry bought  me a sweet gift.

It was when Lauren lived in California


Jami was active duty Air Force, far away.

I was missing them very much and felt quite alone.

The Music Box was a gift of love.

I think of that time each year when Larry brings out the box.

But this year is different…

The music and skaters, make me feel nostalgic and quiet.

The box is one of very few decorations we put out now

and it is the most important.

Things are always changing


many things stay the same…

The one thing  I would like,

is to feel the same way about Christmas

that I felt when my Girls were young.

That’s  all.

Love you,


Happy In My Heart

The weekend was lovely.

It stared on Friday, dinner date with Larry at a brew-pub.

On Saturday, Larry hosted a dinner party in Dallas

for the executives at one of his accounts.

It was so much fun….great restaurant, people and wine.

Then, on Sunday, the Family came to the cottage

for one last Christmas.

We had lunch, conversation and gifts.

Photo: Luncheon with family

It felt special.

It felt real and not cluttered with HOLIDAY,

If you know what I  mean.

Photo: Matilda and Jamison with the painting Matilda painted for Jimmers

Photo:Lauren with dog sculpture

Photo: Josh with new mug

Photo: Thank you for the Champagne AGGIE! It was perfection! Is this photo blurry?

So, now, Christmas is over

and I had a very wonderful weekend

filled with special moments and people.

I feel happy in my heart.

Love you.


Busy Hands…..

For Christmas this year

I made many of the gifts we gave.

I designed and executed a sweater for Matilda.

It was so much fun to make,

Yesterday, she invited me to meet her

at a Mall in Frisco, Texas.

AND there she was, in her sweater!

She  was so cute about it


I could  not help being happy to see her in it.


Photo: detail of sweater design


Photo: we had lunch at PDQ. here we are waiting for lunch

 Christmas is not over


I have two gifts that I am still working on.

Thank you, patient family members…

Soon. Soon! I promise.


Photo: Custom coat for Jamison. She picked out the materials before Christmas.

Today, I will work on Jamison’s coat in the morning.

I will work on Josh’s sweater in the afternoon.

And for dinner we will have street tacos.

Great plan, yes? {happy face}

Happy New Year!

Love you beyond the moon.


Torn Wrapping Paper

My Larry and  I went far away for Christmas.

It was beautiful.

And Santa remembered  me there,

even so far away.

I passed busy churches and wished I was inside.

I was surrounded by people and felt alone.

It was then I realized, that you cannot escape

why we celebrate Christmas.

We are home today.

Larry is at work on a big project.

Laundry is swirling


I am making a romantic Boxing Day dinner tonight.

Did you have a perfect Christmas?

Did you have a perfect Joyeux Noël ?

I hope and pray you did.

Love you beyond the torn wrapping paper


De Rêver~To Dream

Photo: taken after a long lunch in the Tuileries. Paris, France November 2017

I have been day-dreaming.

A lot.

Moments from long ago,

being with Larry in Paris a few weeks ago.

Baby Matilda and Libby pug dog.

It must be my Christmas time habit now.

The day-dreaming makes me smile


reminds me of special moments

that I want to keep in my heart…..

What is your Christmas time habit?

Can you hear me sigh?

Love you beyond the moon.


Simple Moments


I organized  plans/lists  for Christmas gifts.

I will be making everyone’s gifts again this year.

Lauren’s gift  is almost finished! YAY.

I ordered materials from amazon and other stores.

It is a bit overwhelming, but I can do it.

There is one gift, {for Josh}

that I suspect will be in progress while in France.

But, that’s ok.

At least I have started planning.


Last evening, Larry and I babysat Matilda.

Lauren and Josh had a teachers meeting.

We arrived and Matilda ran out to the car,

hugging us hello.

She is brave, beautiful and quite brilliant.

She ran to the porch and picked a flower, handing it to me.

She made my day.

I wore the flowers in my hair

and as the evening progressed, I took them out and took this photo.

Simple moments of pure beauty,

I hope  they will live in my heart forever.

Love you.


Just A Smile

Yesterday, My Larry and I went to McDonalds and bought 10 gift cards.

{he is taking 5 and I am taking five}

Whenever we see anyone who might need a meal,

a thank you,

a  hug

or a Merry Christmas!

We will give them a card……

maybe you have something you would like to share

with someone in need.

Even if it is just a smile.

Love you,


This Thing Called Christmas

It was a glorious, rainy weekend in Texas.

Christmas decorations twinkled in the drizzle


my days were filled with love and excitement for the holiday season.

On Saturday, we joined Matilda for The Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker was a puppet show at Dallas Children’s Theater.






Matilda met the puppets after the show.

and then posed at Snoopy’s dog house.


Since I have been home from France, I have been thinking about my Mother. A lot.

She was one of the most wonderful women I have ever known


I wonder, am I doing this parent & Grandmother thing OK?

How would she have liked being a Great- Gran?

The Christmas holidays have come to me,

filled with smiles and old memories.

Goodness, I love this time of year.

My Larry and I love watching Matilda experience this thing called Christmas.

We love knowing that Lauren and Josh are healthy and living their wonderful country life.

We also smile for our sweet Jamison Louise.

In life, we all must make choices. Some are easy ones and some more difficult.

I find myself in awe of Jami.

She has NEVER done anything the easy way

but she seems to manage just fine.

No matter how you feel about the holidays, please know that we all struggle.

May God Bless you during this holiday season.

Love you.
