Pretzel Pizza~Chef Valentine

I do not love pizza as much as I love pretzels,

but this was exactly what I was craving.

I did a little research and here is what I came up with.

Pretzel Pepperoni Pizza

 1 box of any pretzel mix – I used Fleishmans Pretzel mix.

{Auntie Ann has a box also}

1/4 pound Boarshead pepperoni {I like it sliced fresh cut at the deli}

1 jar Tostitio queso {medium heat}

2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

1 egg- well beaten. {for egg wash}


Follow directions on the pretzel box to make dough.

{it is super easy}

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

When dough is ready, spray Pam on cookie sheet or pizza pan.

Spread dough out, pizza style on prepared baking pan.

Brush egg wash just around outside edge.

Sprinkle pretzel salt over egg wash. {the outside edge of pizza}

Place oven and bake for 5 minutes.

Bring out the crust.

Now, spoon thin layer of cheese queso over the center of crust

spreading to just the outside crust, do not cover the egg wash.

Place pepperonis in the center, I use 6-8 of them


then cover with shredded mozzarella cheese.

Bake pizza for about 15 minutes  at 450 degrees or till crust is golden.

Serve with a crisp salad.

This was so good….Larry wants to heat up left overs tonight!


Till next time.


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