On days when I struggle to post on blog, I go to old photos for inspiration. This image was taken about 10 years ago in Paris. It is one of my favorite photos.
It was cold, as November can be in France and this window was near rue St Antoine. I walked past it a few times before I decided to intrude into the sweet, intimate window setting and take the shot.
Isn’t is wonderful to imagine life inside of the apartment? I think that there is an easel in the corner with an intriguing painting started. The large over-stuffed chair has three books by it and the tea kettle is starting to boil on the stove. One of my abstract quilts is neatly on the bed…and my Larry is waiting patiently by the front door to take me to dinner. {after I turn the stove off}
Larry and I have spent much time in Paris. Each year for many years, we have found ourselves in France, with the discovery of joy and inspiration at every turn. Perhaps one day I will write more, about the special moments. The times filled with ART, love, friendship and visits from family who might be in Rome studying {and you know who you are and we love you}…many years filled with many memories.
Today, let me just share this beautiful photo. What do you imagine life is like inside the window?
Love you.