Yesterday I painted. I walked almost 3 miles, made a rice pudding and binge watched a few episodes of a Netflix show. { I did other stuff too, but these were the highlights}
The painting is going well. Taking longer than expected, but I have found that when I define something and don’t like it, I leave it alone for a bit instead of trying to fix it. If I try to fix it and get tired, I end up not liking the piece at all. ie: TRASH
It was raining yesterday. At Larry’s lunch hour, we went to the Stonebrier Mall in Frisco to walk my laps. Lauren and Matilda have the flu and I was closer to them there in case they needed us to drop something by their house. I walked 2.96 miles. So close to three miles….
When we came home, I made a rice pudding. It was a Paula Deen recipe and was delicious.

I had two helpings. Larry hates it so did not have any. I put the left overs in the fridge…and this morning… it was watery. That makes me so mad. It was cool when it went in the fridge so it is not condensation. Its just a watery pudding/recipe. ie: TRASH
After eating to much rice pudding, I got ready for bed early. I cuddled in and turned on Netflix to watch our current obsession series.
Many years ago, I was part of an online book-group called Bookaccino. There were about 30/40 regulars in the group and we were scattered all around the country. I met some of the most wonderful people in this group.
One of our regulars in our group was a man named Harlan Coben. At the time he only wrote books….now he is into so much more. Larry and I are binge watching a Harlan show on Netflix…..The Stranger. Oh my gosh. That is all I will say. Wait! One thing I can say is I cannot knit and watch it. It keeps me on the edge of my chair. ie: NOT TRASH ….If you like mysteries, be sure to try it.
I’m not sleeping well these days. BUT i get to watch a lot of CNN at 3:00am.
Love you beyond mysteries on Netflix.