Favorite Chocolate Pudding-Chef Valentine

Larry and I have a favorite homemade pudding. Yes it is chocolate and yes it is easy.

The photo does not do it justice, but if you are a pudding lover this pudding is for you.

Homemade Chocolate Pudding


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup baking coca

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 cups 2% milk

2 Tablespoons butter

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


In your heaviest saucepan, combine sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and salt.

Mix them well BEFORE adding milk.

Slowly add milk, stirring constantly.

Continue stirring on medium heat as you bring the mixture to a boil.

Boil and stir for 2 minutes

Remove from heat.

Stir in butter and vanilla.

Stir till butter is melted.

Pour into bowl and cover with a sheet of wax paper.

(the wax paper prevents the pudding from getting what is called a skin on top.)

Allow to come to room temperature before putting in the fridge.

We do not enjoy instant puddings… this pudding is good AND easy.

Till next time.


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