My Normal

This week has been strange. Perhaps I should say, just a little bit off. I have been having strange dreams each night and yes, I dream in color. This morning, my phone would not work and then when I came to my work room, my atomic clock was dead. DEAD. Darn. I loved that clock. These things are not a big deal, but all of them together is just makes this morning, a little off.

Do you ever have days like that? When everything is normal, but just a little “off”?

When things are “off”, I tend to gravitate to things that are absolutely so normal, that it is a little boring.

My normal is Larry. He is my compass. He is my heart. He is everything that is right in this world.

I have lost a few friends because Larry and I are so close. Some people tease us about being squeaky clean and in love. One man, an owner of a restaurant once told us, that at their restaurant one night they pretended to fight like Larry and Robin would fight. {that would be like not fighting at all} He thought it was funny. I was a little insulted but I did not say anything.

The interesting thing is, people forget about the crap we have been through. But that is easy to do isn’t it? To make fun of someone without looking closer to the heartache that they have been through. Each and everyone of us, have our own THINGS. One of Larry’s favorite quotes is: You never know what someone is going through. Please note. He did not say MIGHT be going through. I told you. He is my compass. Even though we might not argue or we hold hands so much that it makes some people uncomfortable……we all have merde that we are dealing with.

Photo: Larry & Robin Kaua’i June 2019 Niihau in the distance

Here is a photo of Larry and me. It was taken at My Spot. Whenever I have had an breast MRI, had breast surgery, cancer treatment, need to focus through pain or any other disruptive, uncomfortable, situation…I close my eyes and go to Niihau. This has been my normal for 7 years. The love of my life and Niihau. It may look like paradise,{it IS Paradise} but please don’t forget why I go there.

Where is your Niihau and who’s hand do you need to hold when things are a little off? Have you told them how much they mean to you?

I am going to text Larry right now and tell him that I love him.

Love you.



turned out OK.

I walked 3 miles. It was gloomy and I walked at Willow Bend. {Mall. RULE: not allowed to shop while walking 3-4 miles in one hour}

I worked {knitted} on a birthday project for a friend.

Last night we met friends for dinner at my favorite burger joint in Dallas.. Sandy and Robert are wonderful and interesting. Sandy is an Earth Angel and has the ability to make you feel better about everything. Thank you Sandy for being always kind.

Larry is dressing for meetings in Dallas today and I must paint. I will finish a painting today.

My summer goal is to try to have a painting in progress at all times….so far I have managed to accomplish this goal. This new painting is a bit different…I told Larry that he may look at it, but cannot comment until it is signed. {finished}

Photo: My messy work room

I will say goodbye and prepare a palette. The joy that comes from colors is amazing to me. Does everyone experience the joy from colors too? What about poor colorblind Larry?

Happy Tuesday. May the lights and colors of today touch your heart.

Love you.


Sunday Dinner And A Movie

Photo: Sunday left over dinner

Sunday, dinner and movie. It was extremely quiet at The Cottage after Matilda went home. Larry and I decided on left over pizza for dinner, sliced tomatoes and our movie was Murder Mystery on Netflix.

I finished laundry yesterday and the house is clean. There is a painting on the easel that will be finished soon but…..I need to walk. We came home from the beach and I had jet lag, then Camp Robi started. I have neglected my body lately. Today is the day to start drinking lots of water and a get a few miles walked….to be honest, it sounds gross, but I will do it!

I am so down in the dumps…..hope that you are better than I am.

Love You beyond the moon.


Happy Birthday To Jamison

Photo: Jamison

Today is Jamison’s birthday. This girl is a Godsend. He sent her to me when she was born and He plays an important role in her life daily.

Jami has always surprised us. From pregnancy to today, This past year has been difficult for her health-wise and in the coming year, we hope she will continue to heal and return back to life normal.

No matter what life hands Jami, she grabs hold and does what is expected of her. I cannot express how proud of her I am. She makes me feel loved and cared about.

Dearest Jimmers, Happy Birthday! You will never know how important you are to Larry and myself. Continue to follow your heart. We love you very, very much.

Love you beyond birthday cake!


Start Each Day With A Smile

Photo: Kaua’i June 2019

Everyone is still asleep. The early morning has given me time to reflect and plan. I decided that I AM tired.

Matilda is making dinner tonight. She is so excited. When she wakes up we will get things started.

It has been raining and thundering. I suppose chances are we will not swim today…..maybe a nap instead?!?

Much love from Camp Robi, where our motto is…..”Start Each Day With A Smile”

Love you beyond the moon.

Matilda, Larry and Me

These Two

Photo: Matilda and Larry

Last night, while thinking about today’s post, only one subject stood out. The relationship between these two kept coming to mind.

I never expected any grandchildren in my lifetime, let alone such a wonderful girl.

This week, Camp Robi week, is always a special time for Larry and myself. I believe that the idea of Camp Robi was hatched by Lauren and Josh years ago….I am not exactly sure of the particulars, but it is how I remember it. {a very kind gesture, wasn’t it?}

Right this second, Matilda is sitting at the dining room table. She is on one end of the table, watching something on her tablet and eating frozen grapes. The other end of the table is cluttered by a jigsaw puzzle begging to be finished. {the jigsaw puzzle is so much fun. Look for a picture soon}

Larry is working in his office, but when he takes a break, we will be visiting a “Little Library.”

I love the idea about a little library. find out more about them here—>

Matilda and I must find a book or two to donate….Camp Robi awaits…..

Have a great, wonderful day.

Love you beyond the moon.

Matilda, Larry and Robi

All Over The Place

Photo: Matilda, Camp Robi, Safari Nights at The Dallas Zoo

It is early this Monday morning. Larry is working in his office and Matilda is still asleep.

The studio is quiet except for Rachmaninoff symphony 2. My thoughts are all over the place this morning. We have been doing so much and have so much to do.

I have missed blogging the past month. Perhaps I have underestimated the importance of my daily blogging. Being organized to post each day, sharing ideas, feelings, ART, love, heartbreak…perhaps it is the beautiful music playing, but I feel utterly sentimental today.

Camp Robi is interesting. Matilda being here reminds me how awesome it was having kiddos but it also reminds me that my life is a new life. I am older, Cancer treatments have made me not as strong as I once was, My heart and mind are the same but dealing with my body is frustrating and sad.

There are a few of you who read Blog every day. You have to know how much you mean to me. I have met some amazing people through blog, reconnected and even kept up with some wonderful people here too.

The weather in Texas has been very bad and this awfulness expands across the country. If you are in harms way, please know that we will be thinking “safe” thoughts for you.

Photo: Carousel At Dallas Zoo

This is week is going to be just like a carousel, a Camp Robi Merry Go Round. I love it so much!

The campers at Camp Robi wish you a happy day and much love.

Love you.

Matilda, Larry & Robi

Mornings At The Beach

Photo: Our view from the lanai
Photo: Breakfast at the beach

Each morning while at the beach, we sat on the lanai and visited. It is not that Larry and I do not talk to each other, in fact we are always chatting, but it is different while we are at the beach.

There is a simplicity while we are away. We can talk, breathe and relax knowing that in the moment, this is as organic as it can possibly get.

My daughter Jamison had surgery while we were 8 hours in the air flying to Kaua’i. {no internet over the ocean} But Jared, her husband kept us informed and all is well.

My Girl, Matilda had ART camp while we were gone and Lauren worked in her Butterfly Garden.

I loved hearing about everyone’s activities and after that we would walk 4 miles to Spouting Horn and back home.

So, this morning, I am home. I am sitting at my work table. No bagels or marmalade and when ze blog is posted, I will read my devotional and paint. There is something about being back home. Its awful.

Love you beyond the moon.
