It was a beautiful day yesterday. I stayed home and got so much done. Posting about current projects is a bore. I realize that. Some days I would love to volunteer at a hospital, hike 6 miles, work at the North Texas Food Bank or even stay in bed reading books that need to be reviewed. Sometimes, dreams help make the day go by faster.
But in reality…….
I have about ten quilt blocks finished.

I am almost finished painting 50 tiny paintings.

I am half finished The Good House.

I am enjoying it very much. The story is based in New England. It is real and colorful.
Yesterday, Larry took me to the country for dinner.

The East Texas restaurant was a dump. We will not be back. (I had found it on the Internet) But the wonderful part of the evening was a lovely drive together and the Texas sky. The Sky made the trip worth while.
Wherever you are today, I wish you a lovely sky.
Love you beyond the moon.