What Gives You Joy?

Yesterday was a great day. It started with a 4 mile walk and ended with…..well to be completly honest, it ended with Big Brother. I usually love that show, but this season is not very good. { i have been reading in the evenings. Current book: The Perfect Nanny}

Photo: The perfect Nanny. Written in French and translated. Creepy but interesting

This morning, Larry and I walked 4 miles at the lake. I did not want to go and said as much to Larry. He replied, and look how dedicated you are, walking anyway. {that is not what I wanted to hear. MEN}

I am glad I walked though. It was cool outside, almost chilly. The Great Heron posed for me. he watched us as we passed and posed till I got my shot, then off he flew.

Photo: The Great Blue Heron at the lake today 7/2019

Larry and I have been walking 4 miles each morning. Once a week we go to our storage unit and get rid of 10-20 things and around the house, fixing up the gazebo, taking down the rest of the deck and planning flower beds for next year.

Today while walking and talking, we were planning a trip to storage {do you know how people say if it does not give you joy, give it away?}…..well, after discussing yesterdays blog post,and purging at the storage unit, Larry got very quiet.

Then he said: Thats what I am doing with people.

I said: Excuse me?

Larry said: Thats what I am going to do with people. If they do not give me joy, I am getting rid of them.

Larry is so awesone. We have been together for over 42 years and I adore him more every day.

What gives you joy?

Love you.


The Text Message and The Gargolye

On Monday night, my phone pinged. A text message! But it started out with an insult and then continued to share the news of the recent passing of a beloved family member. {Larry and I had been informed a few days before of the death}

Has that ever happened to you? I even asked Larry if I was imagining the “slam.” He said: No, you are not imagining it and whispered under his breath…b****.

What is wrong with people. Do they feel so badly about themselves that they must insult others to beel better? I have not seen this person in 20 years and the last time was with her sitting in my living room with my sister, telling me what an awful daughter I was. {but they did not know why I was so awful. It was strange and quite comical}

The Internet is such an awesome place to help someone feel better about themselves isn’t it? Ok, I admit it. I am laughing.

One again….my mantra is: You insult me and I go away.

Photo: This is my tiny gargolye from paris. He is about 1″ tall.

They say that gargoyles frighten away evil. NOPE I am not going to say it, but we are all thinking it.

Love you.


Reuben Pinwheels~ Chef Valentine

I have been making lists of appitezers to try for Larry’s “boards.” This one has been screaming to be tried for months. It is a winner. Larry and I ate a lot of them and I put the left overs in the fridge. They are delish cold too.

These have the ability to be great for parties, picnics and a St Patricks Day celebration. Enjoy.

Photo: Reuben Pinwheels


1 sheet frozen puff pastry, Thawed

6 slices of Swiss cheese

5 slices of deli corned beef

1/2 cup sauerkraut, rinsed and well drained

1/4 cup thousand island dressing


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Unfold the puff pastry: layer with Swiss cheese, corned beef and sauerkraut to within 1/2″ of edges.

Photo: Rolling jelly roll style

Roll jelly roll style. Trim ends and cut crosswise into 16 slices. Place on greased baking sheet { I just used parchment paper} cut side down.

Photo: Ready to bake

Bake the rounds 18-20 minutes until golden brown. Serve with salad dressing.

Please enjoy. Till next time.


Secrets and Fridays

What a week it has been. In retrospect, it was OK, but in the moment, not so much…… EXCEPT for that special dinner with Larry on Monday night.

Larry and I have a secret place that we escape to. It is a restaurant and the owners know us. We have our own booth and our food is always fabulous. It is “our” place and it has been for many years. We have never taken our kids there. We have never met friends or work people there. We try to escape every other month and when we do, we talk, laugh, listen to the music {live} and just be together. { I christened my new dress at dinner on Monday}

This past Monday when we escaped, we had not eaten all day. When we arrived at our booth, we started with the bread and ate like pigs the entire evening. I think escaping with Larry on Monday was my happiest time.

I had a message from Cousin Aggie. She requested seeing the dress I finished sewing….so Aggie, this next bit is for you.

Photo: Black Linen Dress

The dress is wonderful. {and looks better on than hanging on a hanger} I have had one of these dresses in my wardrobe for years. It is easy to wear and easy to make. The pattern is below. I made the middle view, but I sewed up the side slit.

Photo: One of my favorite patterns

I have made this dress for an event coming up, I will pair the dress with my Kate Spade necklace and fancy flip flops.

Photo: My Kate Spade necklace
Photo: Yellow Box Flip Flops

By no means am I a fashion blogger. I am tall, a breast cancer survivor {you know that means extreme bust adjustments} I am fussy about comfort and I am old. Knowing what I like is very easy these days.

Buying dresses off the rack is awkward for me. The choices are either to young or to old. So, often I sew my dresses.


It is finally Friday! It is my adorable granddaughters birthday and the sun is shinning. It is going to be a good day.

Love you.


Hummingbirds and Succulent Gardens

Last week, Matilda gave us a gift. It is very special. Larry and I have spent the week oohing and aahing over the special gift.

Photo: Painting by Matilda Miller {7 years old} 2019

The painting is titled “Hummingbird At The Beach”…. It is so amazing and I could not love it more even if it was a Matisse. The Hummingbird is my favorite part.

There is just something special about Matilda’s perspective.

Yesterday was warm. Our usual hot, oppressive,summer weather has not arrived yet. I am not complaining though.

A few weeks ago, I saw a planter at Kroger. I loved it. I hated it and left it on the rack of plants by the door. I must have passed that planter 4 more times before I grabbed it. It was tired and over watered. The foliage was broken and sad.

The funny planter has been hanging in the back garden for almost a week now. I am so in love with it.

Photo: The Succulent Planter

The planter is growing, blooming and seems happy. I have no idea why someone planted an Airplane Plant in the middle of a succulent garden, but so far all, everyone is happy.

The textures in this garden mesmerize me. I stand at the kitchen window and just look at it.

Photo: Close-up of the blooms
Photo: Close-up of the Rosary Plant

I love the Rosary plant so much. It has so much personality. I did not get a photo, but the planter has a plant in it known as A String Of Pearls. Larry has informed me that it is growing and the string is getting longer. I will have to get pictures soon.

I love pearls. Real ones and plant ones.

Have a happy, day!

Love you beyond the moon.


Bah Humbug?

I cannot believe that the holidays are so……what is the right word? Imminent? Well, Imminent might not be quite right but geeze. It is coming sooner than I thought.

There was a time when we hosted a party the Saturday before Christmas every year. We had a Christmas tree in every room and I adored the holiday. All things change over the years, don’t they?

Now, each year {November} while in France, one of us has an assignment. It is to get photos for the next years holiday greeting card. Last year It was my turn to get the photos and I am making this years cards, this week. Just wait! It is very different than last year… and I am enjoying the process much more than usual.

Photo: Holiday cards in the process of becoming a true greeting.

Larry is at meetings all day and I will get continue putting together the 2019 Holiday Cards. Yesterday I did all of the cutting. Today I glue. Tomorrow is place the photo… Ho Ho HO!

When they are assembled, and put away, I have a sense of calm. No matter what happens, the cards are ready to fill out! {I only assemble now. We write notes and mail them while we are on Holiday}

Oh yes, one more thing. I have my Halloween costume ready too!

To be honest, I do not know where all of this organizational passion is coming from but I am not going to complain.

Have a wonderful, fantastic Wednesday.

Love you way beyond that full moon.


Thunder Moon

Every morning, I try to exercise, get cleaned up and have a new blog post published by 9:00 am. I only post blogs Monday through Friday.

Will you forgive me? I have nothing much to share today. I did walk through the house, taking photos of what I HAVE to do when I step away from the computer.

Photo: Blog awaiting post~ and the new knitting book from Half Price Books. Look out. I am planning holiday gifts.
Photo: My favorite hat. I wear it when I am walking to save my poor scalp. The bear, is the Ralph Lauren Bear. He was introduced in Paris last Autumn. The Ralph Lauren store windows were filled with these bears. I was mesmerized by the bears in the Fall designs. I stood on the Paris street for hours, just looking. It was amazing.
Photo: Someone’s birthday is this week. Our Matilda will be 8 years old on Friday. I must wrap her gifts!
Photo: My Pill box. This box held many, many pills at one time. Now I am down to ONE and it is a Vitamin D. I am totally organic and had to fill the pill box today.
Photo: My old beat up encyclopedia of cooking. I will bake custards when I finish journaling.
Photo: My Bitters Bottles. Last week, Matilda asked me what I loved most in The Cottage. The answer is my bitters bottles. There must be about 75 of them now. What is it about colored glass that makes us smile?

I guess it is time for me to bake custard and while it is becoming delicious, I will wrap Matilda’s birthday gifts.

Have the best day that you can imagine.

Love you beyond tonight’s Full~Thunder Moon


Sunday, Sunday Dinner and a Movie

Photo: Larry builds the most wonderful appetizer boards. This was yesterdays.

We started yesterday at church. The REV was out, but a good friend of ours gave the sermon. It was the perfect way to start our Sunday.

We came home and changed clothes. We went to the Outlet Mall in Allen Texas, where we walked the perimeter of the Mall. It is just a couple of miles. I stopped a few times to look in a window or two and because of that, my FitBit did not count the day as exercise . Hummm.

We came home again. I started cooking. It was Bastille day, and that means Chicken Fricassee, green beans and new potatoes.

Photo: Chicken Fricassee. Messy plate but it was delish.

Dessert was Larry’s favorite dessert….a chocolate eclair and a fruit tart.

Photo: Dessert

It was a quiet day….oh…..our movie was French Kiss.

Please have a happy Monday. Larry and I send much love…


Dear Amazon and Bon Amis

Dear Amazon and Friends,

Each Sunday, Larry and I have a special dinner and watch a movie. This Sunday, being Bastille Day, I have big plans. A great menu, one of Larry’s favorite movies and he ordered a French flag for the table!

The flag was to be delivered last night. When he checked around 9:30 pm, still no flag. This morning, when he got up, an email informed him that the flag was delivered and it had a photo! Guess what? NOT OUR HOUSE.

Then he tried to email you, Amazon. {There is no customer service email for Amazon} He is working today and really did not have time to talk …..but I found the customer service number for him. The call took about 25 min. The woman that he talked to put him on hold for awhile while she called the delivery company. Then when she returned, she told him to go down our street and look for the package. {and ask neighbors} That makes me laugh.

You know, when I mess things up, I fix it. When YOU mess things up, we must fix it?

Larry asked for a refund. So dear neighbor, who received a surprise French flag on your doorstep, enjoy! Bastille day is right around the corner.



What Matters!

Photo: The Pot~London 2019

I have the insane habit of looking up. All the time! Do you think that it is because I am 5′ 9 1/2″ tall?

Because I look up so much, I bump into things, trip very often and though embarrassed, I do not fall often.

A good friend once told me that looking up is such a positive thing. To be honest, I had never considered that before.

The photo above is proof that I look up to much and after I took the shot, I thought, I need to take more photos at eye level. This is the next shot I took………

Photo: Mad Hatter

The Mad Hatter allows you to take his photo for the right price.

Life imitates ART OR ART imitates life? Look up or view from eye level?

No matter how you look at things, all that matters is that you are happy.

Image result for be happy quotes

I wish you {you know who you are} the happiest day that you can imagine.

Love you.
