Yesterday was a great day. It started with a 4 mile walk and ended with…..well to be completly honest, it ended with Big Brother. I usually love that show, but this season is not very good. { i have been reading in the evenings. Current book: The Perfect Nanny}
This morning, Larry and I walked 4 miles at the lake. I did not want to go and said as much to Larry. He replied, and look how dedicated you are, walking anyway. {that is not what I wanted to hear. MEN}
I am glad I walked though. It was cool outside, almost chilly. The Great Heron posed for me. he watched us as we passed and posed till I got my shot, then off he flew.
Larry and I have been walking 4 miles each morning. Once a week we go to our storage unit and get rid of 10-20 things and around the house, fixing up the gazebo, taking down the rest of the deck and planning flower beds for next year.
Today while walking and talking, we were planning a trip to storage {do you know how people say if it does not give you joy, give it away?}…..well, after discussing yesterdays blog post,and purging at the storage unit, Larry got very quiet.
Then he said: Thats what I am doing with people.
I said: Excuse me?
Larry said: Thats what I am going to do with people. If they do not give me joy, I am getting rid of them.
Larry is so awesone. We have been together for over 42 years and I adore him more every day.
What gives you joy?
Love you.