Amish Baked Custard-The Ultimate Comfort food

I have used this recipe for 40 years. Mother originally gave it to me. She said that she got it from my Grandmother, Norman’s Mother.

Baked Custard

3 eggs slightly beaten

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup sugar

3 cups scaled milk.

1/2 teaspoon vanilla


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. { I preheat my baking pan with water in it at this time. When the ramekins are ready to bake I put them directly into the bain de marie}

Add 3 cups of milk to a saucepan. Heat till slight steam comes off of a spoon. Take off of burner.

Beat 3 eggs slightly in a med bowl. {I use the Williams Sonoma bowl with a lip to pour} Add salt and sugar.

Add a little milk slowly, stirring constantly. Continue adding milk till it is all incorporated. {if you pour all of the hot milk in the eggs at once, you will have scrambled eggs.} Take your time, whisk well.

Add vanilla.

Pour into custard cups. {ramekins}

Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Place ramekins in a pan of hot water. Bain de Marie

Bake for 40 min till knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Please enjoy this custard. I share it with love.

Love you. Me



It has been difficult.

When someone has found out something about you, but NOT from you. Through gossip or even on a blog or elsewhere….but they never address it with you.

All of the sudden they send you prayers. They ask how are you doing? They pay attention when they never have before and they do not address the subject with you.

It is rude. It is bad manners and it is disrespectful.

If you find something out about someone through gossip , either own up to it or keep it to yourself. IF you tell, say: so and so told me that you had cancer and were worried. It is that easy. Just don’t start caring and praying without a word….it is rather shallow.

Thank you for listening to a Pet Peeve that I am experiencing. Do you have a pet peeve? Please share.

Go on smile. It could be much worse.

Love you beyond the moon.


One Mans Trash

Photo: When we lived in Raleigh NC in 1968, our neighbor created the “Pitch In” litter free campaign.

I have been cleaning up The Cottage. When the tree fell through the roof, it flooded the guest room and made a huge mess of everything. Insurance has been wonderful replacing things for us and I get rid of the damaged things in the garbage.

This is the week of the new pillows. Macy’s had a good sale, so damaged, flood saturated, unused pillows were dis-guarded into the garbage yesterday. There are 6 new pillows in the house and the old, water damaged ones are gone….

This morning, Larry asked me if I heard the garbage men? I said not yet. He said: The pillows were gone but all garbage is still there. GROSS. … {all of the pillows had peeked out of the top of the garbage can, but were gone this morning.}

I told Larry yesterday, that if he did not hide the nasty, water damaged pillows, Gladys Kravitz, our nosy, garbage picking neighbor would come and go through our trash. For years, 20 years…. she has come over and pilfered our garbage and things marked for the Salvation Army. I don’t know why it bothers me so much. The things were being donated… it just feels gross when she goes through our trash.

Photo: Gladys Kravitz on Bewitched

I feel agitated. Should I feel that or should I just feel sorry for her? {she and her husband both have jobs and drive nice cars. They are not in need of anything}

Thank you for listening…..I am going to watch our surveillance video now….and solve the mystery of the vanishing nasty pillows.

Love you beyond the moon.


Do Your Best

Photo: Ready for company

Per tradition, on Christmas Day, we all are not together. Larry and I have our traditions, Lauren’s Family does what they “do” and Jamison & Jared have their traditions. BUT sometime, during Christmas week, we all get together and it is wonderful. Last Saturday was the day for this year. We laughed, played games {Game Pictonary Air was a big hit!} and ate lots of good food.

Now, we are at New Years week. I am being dragged unwillingly into 2020 and want to freeze time right now. How unfortunate is THAT? A bad attitude never helps, but here I am. Larry says that I am allowed to be sad right now. I do not agree, but cannot help it.

SO, it is Monday. The laundry is getting done, Larry is sequestered in his office taking care of last minuet business and it looks like a beautiful day outside.

How do you handle the new year? Do you jump into it full force with a happy positive attitude? Do you dread moving forward but put on a happy face and pretend for the people around you? No matter which one you are, we cannot stop it.

Here I am 2020, do your best!

Love you beyond the moon.


Smooching At White Rock Lake

It is the day after Christmas and I don’t quite know what to do with myself. There are a few projects that need finished, but my heart isn’t in it. Perhaps Larry has an idea for the day. {Even though he is working}

What is it about the after Christmas-let down? What do we do with the bubbly friends who are just so…perky? Strangle them? Just joking.

Everyone was very wonderful to us this year, if you discount the sad puppy dog faces saying, “I am so sorry that you have cancer again.” It happens a lot. The sad puppy face. I tell myself that it means that this person cares about me. Ignore the pity. They CARE.

Yesterday Larry and I hiked. {a short hike} and came home to our annual prime rib dinner. Mashed potatoes, Broccoli casserole and Buche du Noel for dessert. The day drained me physically and mentally. It was the most frustrating thing EVER, but dinner was scrumptious.

Photo: Smooching at White Rock Lake. Christmas 2019

Larry has been wonderful. He has been cooking, cleaning and he changes my bullet wound twice a day. When they took the catheter out of my chest, the wound left, looks like a bullet wound. {disgusting} Larry volunteered to change it for me. FOR ONE MONTH! I always knew that he was a “boob” man. Go on. Smile.

Photo: Christmas Day Hike/Dallas Texas

I wish you a happy day. Keep smiling and remember “Don’t burn the Buche du Noel at both ends.

Love you BEYOND the moon.



Good morning. Yesterday at church the choir sang one of my favorite hymns. I am a bit tired today and hope that you do not mind me posting music? Please close your eyes and listen.

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

It is a beautiful day. Be joyful and well.

Love you beyond the moon.


On Low For Six Hours

It is Sunday and I am dressed for church. While I took my bath and dressed, Larry was busy in the kitchen.

Today, Larry made baked beans. {my mothers recipe} He measured ingredients, chopped veggies and fried bacon, then put everything in the Crock Pot. On low for 6 hours he told me. How wonderful is that?

I have been thinking about my Mother all week. I guess Larry was too.

Photo: Using my Mothers recipe, Larry made baked beans today.

I wish that you could smell the beans….it smells like goodness and love in The Cottage today.

Update: I am good. Fatigued, sick to my tummy at times and to be honest I look a little green. BUT all is well, and prognoses is good.

Larry and I took Matilda shopping yesterday. She is the best medicine ever.

When I was resting they played a game of chess at the Mall Play Room. Guess who won?

Photo: Matilda beat Larry at the giant chess

Have the best day that you can imagine… is wonderful.

Love you.


The Other Side

I am here. I have come out on the other side.

And I am still here.

Starting in early October, the journey has been difficult and memorable.

With the help of many amazing people,

I am moving forward with a very good prognosis.

You checked on me, sent cards and prayed.

So many amazing people.

I need to rest and recover from “treatment”,

looking forward to 2020, getting back in shape and most of

all…living my best life.

Photo: Candy Shoppe at the Dallas Arboretum

Love you beyond the moon.


In The Essence Of Energy

I am posting only a short note here. It is Monday, December 16th. 2019. The sun has not risen and I am ready to get this show on the road.

The Christmas gifts that I am making, clutter my work desk. They tempt me to start working but this day brings bigger things to do.

Are you ready? Christmas is one week away. I believe that I like the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle better than the big day itself. It is lovely energy.

Photo: Dallas Arboretum

Have a good day.

Love you beyond the moon.


Inhale. Exhale. Smile.

Photo: The Grinch and Max

The Grinch hated Christmas! The whole Christmas season!
Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason.
It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason of all
May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.

~Dr Seuss~

I love the Grinch. For many reasons, but the main reason is that even though his heart was two sizes to small, he was open to be accepting and when he was, his heart grew.

Things happen in our lives that make us Grinchy. It is easy and very normal to become sad and withdrawn. But when I take a deep breath and smile, the moments become easier.

Inhale. Exhale. Smile.

Love you beyond the moon.
