It arrived yesterday. Wonderful Larry pre-ordered Celeste’s new book, Our Missing Hearts, for me.
I am obsessed with Celeste Ng. There is a quality about her writing that is unmistakable. I am excited to start Our Missing Hearts tonight.
My question is….My first edition book came with TWO dust jackets! Is that like winning the lottery? Maybe it is good luck like having two yolks when you crack open an egg?
Photo: My book with TWO dust jackets!
If I am a winner, please contact me and I will send you the address to send the winning $$$.
Yesterday was a slow, lazy day. I have a little cold and allowed myself to read, nibble on goodies , watch TV and rest.
I did cook dinner for Larry. Home-made meat sauce. It is his favorite sauce and enjoyed it so much. The wine was a bottle that Jamison gave him awhile ago….Snoop Dog Wine. Unique, right? I LOVE Snoop Dog.
Photo: . Larry’s favorite meat sauce.
A spaghetti dinner was comfort food to me last night…… even if I made it myself.
It was a beautiful day. Leaves are falling onto the back patio now and I can see the shadows changing as the season changes.
Photo: On the back patio
Today is sunny and cool. There are about 12 things I need to get done around The Cottage, but I am still rather lazy. What do you do when you feel just OK and still have things to do?
Good morning. My name is Robin Tolbert, and I have been thinking about you since the announcement came out this week, sharing that you had been diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery and treatment. I wanted to officially welcome you to Team Believe.
It is October 1st and that means Breast Cancer Awareness Month has begun. Each October, I agitate my readers with statistics and reminders to have their screenings. Early detection saves lives, it has saved mine twice.
My first experience was almost exactly like yours. (even the timing of surgery and treatment) My tumor was also bigger than expected, like yours and treatment identical. I am so glad that you are doing well and moving forward in the best way possible. It is often difficult after hearing the word cancer. Life will never quite be the same.
I am the Mother of two beautiful daughters and one amazing granddaughter. Along with my husband, sons in laws and loving friends, we make up the very supportive and positive TEAM BELIEVE.
Photo: Team Believe~Robin and daughters~ From Left: Lauren, Robin, Matilda and Jamison.
During this process, life has dramatic ups and downs. To be a survivor, it is just part of the job. Surrounding yourself with people who understand, is a gift you can give yourself…but I am sure that you already know these things.
Well, Katie. here is what I have learned being a two time survivor: Do everything that your DR says, Listen to your body, Laugh out loud every day, Share your breast cancer experience with others, Cry when you feel like it-cancer is NOT FAIR, and remember that love is the best medicine.
Thank you for allowing me to write to you on the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness month and know that so many of us have you in our thoughts and prayers as your continue your breast cancer journey.
I made a quilted wall hanging years ago. It is a wine bottle on the front, Mariners Compass on the back and it was for Larry. When I look at it, I cannot believe that I had such patience to envision it and then complete it. I was much younger then….I am laughing.
Photo: Front of the piece.
Photo: Back of the piece. Mariners Compass
The piece is hand quilted…and the design is “Wine Glasses”…..You can see the shadows of the stitched wine glasses in the front view.
I adore the Mariners Compass design. Its meaning exudes all things good. LOVE, DIRECTION, and CARE.
We need to be reminded that at some point in our lives, we need love, direction and care….or perhaps share love, direction and care with someone who is struggling.
Our sweet Grand-Boxer had her teeth cleaned yesterday and a tumor removed from her chest. Lauren dropped Ellie (the Boxer) off at the vet and then brought treats that she made for us, by The Cottage. We had a wonderful visit.
Photo: Ellie, our Grand-Boxer-photo by Lauren
Ellie, gets to go home from the vet today. I know that Lauren, Josh and Matilda will be happy to be a complete family again.
Photo: Treats in a Christmas box. Made by Lauren
Yesterday was busy. After Lars left, I had a Yoga class, then walked 2 miles. It felt great yesterday, but today, I feel tired. (I’m dressed to exercise, and will see how THAT goes)
I also finished making a new dress yesterday. It is red with black dots and has classic lines. It took me one day to make the body of the dress. Today, will do the hand stitching. I am adding a new black sweater to go with it and must hem the dress today.(the dress has sleeves hidden under that sweater!)
Photo: The red dress
It is beautiful here today and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees. The Texas State Fair starts tomorrow! So many fun things to look forward to. Happy Autumn.
A few years ago, (2013) I entered a contest for breast cancer survivors. This is the design I created.
Photo: Design by Robin
I entered the design and did not win. Somehow…the design was stolen from the contest organization. The stolen design is above. Having the design stolen, does not lessen the strength of its meaning for Team Believe. October is coming. Are you ready for Breast Cancer Awareness 🎀 Month? Love you beyond the moon. Me.
It was beautiful in Texas yesterday. The evenings are cool now and the days warm. The angels are getting us ready for Autumn.
Photo: Driving to Heartland Texas from Plano
We were invited to Heartland Texas yesterday to watch the Dallas Cowboys game at our daughter Jami’s house, her husband had celebrated a birthday this month and we were a little behind in getting him his gifts, so we combined the celebrations.
Photo: From Left, Me, Jaared and Larry
Jami took the above photo of us…It makes me laugh. The dogs were begging pizza from me. Talking about pizza……
Photo: Football pizza
…Jami and Jared had ordered a football pizza! It was so good. Cute too. Maybe it is a good luck sign? The Cowboys won!
I am working at my desk today. It is cool outside again and it looks like it is going to be a wonderful day.
Larry and I had a busy but quiet weekend. If that makes sense.
On Friday, we went to the Meyerson and saw the Dallas Symphony perform. We heard the Symphonic Dances by Rachmanioff. The history behind this work is interesting but it is not my favorite of his works.
I did like the guest conductor. He looked like Larry! Look at that hair! Now you know why Larry has a pony tail.
Photo: Guest conductor at the DSO
On Saturday, we did chores, exercised (walked 2 miles!) and watched a movie in the afternoon before going out to dinner. We watched Sixteen Candles. Larry had never seen it….it is epic but I don’t think he liked it very much. (then we went out to dinner at Cappuccino’s)
Photo:: Cappuccino’s
Cappuccino’s Bistro is “Our Place” We go often and it is always wonderful. Cappuccino’s is a neighborhood restaurant. It is always busy, the food is perfection, drinks are wonderful and the wine list filled with all good Italian wines. Frank, the owner welcomes us with handshakes and smiles.
Yesterday, Sunday we went to church. We have a new minister and he started this week. The flowers yesterday were in honor of a wonderful woman named Alice. Alice passed away about 6 months ago and today is her birthday. Her husband wanted everyone to take a rose home for Alice’s birthday. (I loved Alice. She was a mainstay at this church and very kind. I miss her and today I am thinking of her as I see her rose each time I step into the front room)
Photo: Alice’s Rose
Laundry is swirling. Larry is back in his office and I am starting a new dress. The sewing machine is threaded and ready to go…..
Where did this week go? I had forgotten to post Sunday, Dinner and Movie, so here it is today.
I made chicken quesadillas.
They were wonderful. We enjoyed them with Larry’s Veg soup.
Dinner was excellent. I think that we drank diet Ginger Ale with the meal.
Our movie was French….Le Monde est à toi (The World Is Yours) It was ok but the quesadillas were the hit of the meal. Larry gives the left overs two thumbs up! They were SO GOOD that I might keep the recipe secret!