It is funny to me,
that something can be hidden in a drawer for thirty years
once found, it can become an important possession.
A few weeks ago,
I found a crewel embroidery kit in the guest room dresser.
I stashed it in the work room to deal with later
and last Friday,
while watching the inauguration of President Trump,
I saw it on my work table.
The long lost crewel embroidery kit.
{dated 1980-when on earth did I buy it?}
As I opened the crumpled old packaging,
my lap top was streaming Donald Trump vowing
to be the best president that he can be.
The linen fabric, in my hand became an important reminder.
Oh beautiful for spacious skies…..
In all of the drama surrounding the presidential election,
citizen voices have forgotten one thing.
This is our country.
Amber waves of grain and purple mountain majesties…..
how can we expect someone to step up and make everything “good”
if we are not willing to make the same promise for OUR country?
I hope that I never forget that feeling.
I have promised that each night I will put stitches in this beautiful sampler
and with each stitch promising to be a better citizen.
Started on January 20, 2017.
This is the Inauguration Sampler.
It is in a basket by my bed.
Each stitch, it will be my promise to never forget
how beautiful this country is
how lucky we are to live here.
I wish everyone had an Inauguration Sampler.
It is a wonderful reminder
that God shed his grace on thee…from sea to shining sea.
Love you.
How cool to find this sampler just when we have a new President sworn in!!!!
Good read. I wish I felt inspired enough to write such good posts onto my own blog. It is not easy.