In April, Libby, my pug dog will have been gone for 3 years. I miss her daily, and confess that sometimes, I even talk to her portrait.
I read a quote yesterday, that said, “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France.
Larry and I have had a few dogs over the years. Different sizes and shapes. Not one of them was a kindred spirit to me, till Libby-Girl.
This is my subject today, because for the past three years, my daughters have been sending information about rescue dogs that they have found. Found for me to adopt and bring home.
I told them: Libby is waiting for me. When I see her again, I will be able to tell her that I have been waiting for her too. And I am waiting. I am crying, just typing this, I miss her so much.
I envy people who can adopt a dog so soon after losing a beloved companion. They are able to fill that sad void.
We have all lost a pet. A beloved member of our family and we all deal with the situation in a different way.
Me? For now, I am just waiting.
Love you beyond the moon.
It took a little over a year after we lost our
Maggie and yes I miss her just as much today. I agree with you I don’t know how people can immediately go out and get another animal.
When we got Reilly and I looked into his eyes it was like I’m here to heal you but in the process I have fallen in love with him along with the other 2 we have rescued. When we added Louie his family decided he was too big so he was put in the backyard with a bag of food. Hope she was found with another Newf by animal control and picked up. They assumed that both pups were dumped. Working with rescue now makes me look at things totally different. I like to think we are giving them a loving home or a soft place to land. If it wasn’t for John and I who knows what would happen to them. I will never love another dog like Maggie but maybe I can make a difference in another dog life. It’s just a different kind of love. ♥️
Maybe somewhere down the road you might be willing to open your home and heart up to another pup that is in need of a soft landing. That pup will never replace Libby but just maybe your heart can mend just a little.
I saw a quote the other day and it said I wish the rainbow bridge had visiting hours. ?