A few months ago, I purged clothing from my closets. I purged old things then. Now I am purging the good things that I do not need any longer. This sad. There are dresses from Horchow/ Neimans and vintage-like coats that I made (oh the 3/4 length sleeves!) There is quite a pile of goodies on the guest room bed.
The UGG slippers that Larry gave me 10 years ago are on top of the pile. Of course they are in bad, bad shape but someone will love them. I know that I do.

If you know me at all, you know that I love poems….look what I found! An Ode To Slippers!
They wait patiently beside my bed
Agreeable twin sentries, ready for duty.
They know me so well – the darkened imprint of heels and each toe worn into the
balding fleece.
They are the first thing my feet search for in the morning,
Grounding and protection for my midnight shuffles to the loo.
They are the comfort I seek when I return from the day’s labors,
The ones I turn to as I cast off heels, polished leather, buckles and laces.
They carry the stains and flaws of familiarity- a splash of iced coffee, a drip of
The teething marks of a puppy now grown.
They have logged hundreds of miles but rarely leave home, these slippers of mine.
Once I forgot and wore them to choir practice.
I sang well that night.
by Margaret Faeth
Thank goodness my favorite granddaughter Matilda, gave me a new pair of slippers.

The new slippers are now out of their cozy box. I wonder what adventures I will share with them?
Love you beyond the moon.