Love, Direction and Care

I made a quilted wall hanging years ago. It is a wine bottle on the front, Mariners Compass on the back and it was for Larry. When I look at it, I cannot believe that I had such patience to envision it and then complete it. I was much younger then….I am laughing.

Photo: Front of the piece.
Photo: Back of the piece. Mariners Compass

The piece is hand quilted…and the design is “Wine Glasses”…..You can see the shadows of the stitched wine glasses in the front view.

I adore the Mariners Compass design. Its meaning exudes all things good. LOVE, DIRECTION, and CARE.

We need to be reminded that at some point in our lives, we need love, direction and care….or perhaps share love, direction and care with someone who is struggling.

Love you beyond the moon.


Make It Real

Photo: Flowers from our next door neighbors

Yesterday was a “Blue Thursday”. I have noticed that on any “Blue” day, blessings come from nowhere to support and remind me of what is important.

Yesterday I tried to keep busy. I walked two miles. {that is all I can manage right now} I worked on a baby gift for a dear friend in Germany, am planning a new quilt project and cooked a fun, late dinner. Oh and we went to Costco and bought a bunch of STUFF.

Photo:Beef and cheese Frittata

Photo: Frittata, salad and toast

Larry worked all day and I took advantage of stealing him away on his lunch hour. I did get a lot done yesterday but it does not feel like it at all.

My new project is still in the works. I have so many ideas about it, that it gets confusing.

Photo: New Project

Happy Friday. Happy February tomorrow, happy weekend and don’t forget to make it real.

Love you beyond the moon.


Quilts and Things

Someone once said……A bed without a quilt is like a sky without stars. I believe it. Each bed in The Cottage has a quilt.

Pboto: Prairie Crocus Quilt. Hand pieced and hand quilted by robin

Last week, I bought a small bit of fabric to make a quilt to either auction or to raffle off for the KOMEN More Than Pink 5K.

To be honest, I am not sure if there is much interest in my money makers for the annual Komen Race. {Paintings, Quilts, Gift cards, etc}

Perhaps it is just me? Maybe I should try a different something? My mind is blank. The inspiration I have enjoyed is taking a break these days.

On to a brighter note… far my life is status quo. The days are filled with mediocrity and putting one foot in front of the other. I appreciate the friends who have circled me with love and care. I am afraid that I understand why some of my friends have moved away from Larry and me. It is completely ok.

When something so overwhelmingly negative takes over your life, you are not very fun to be around….I understand. I just go cuddle under a quilt and read. Books cannot hurt your feelings.

Love you beyond the moon.


Part Of Someone’s Life

It is Wednesday, but feels like it is Thursday. This week is dragging and it is going to be 100 degrees tomorrow. It is a long, hot week. {yes, and I am still bitching about the heat}

Larry is in Baltimore for a few days. The house is very quiet. I believe that I miss Libby Pug Dog more when I am alone than any other time. Lauren and Jami are always suggesting that we rescue a senior pup. I just cannot.

My days are busy when Larry is gone. Exercise, reading and projects that take hours of non interrupted concentration. Larry distracts me in the most wonderful of ways.

Today the project is ….for a favorite cousin in PA. She is expecting her third child in December and usually reads Blog. Its ok, she can catch a single glimpse of the gift-to-be.

I have made a quilt for each of her children. Now number three, child AND quilt. I am honored.

Photo: The beginnings of a quilt

The beginning of a quilt is like a blank canvas…and once you start the quilt, it has a personality of its own. Finishing a quilt is the best….adding a binding that will become part of somones life.

When Larry is out of town, I focus on being productive instead of busy.

Happy Wednesday that feels like Thursday.

Love you beyond quilt squares.


The Wave

Photo: One of my favorite mugs, a gift from Matilda

Photo: The worktable

My worktable is cluttered


embroidery floss, a phone and a cup of diet Coke.

I have a project planned.

There is a piece of ART that My Larry adores.

It is a wood block piece, by  Hokusai.

For years, he has chosen things {journals, t shirts, mugs}

with the famed  WAVE on them.

Photo: The Wave

Last summer, we had the privilege of seeing

the Hokusai exhibit at The British Museum.

It was an amazing exhibit.

Ancient wood block pieces that stunned the senses.

Fast forward to this summer.

We were at the beach

and I went to the tiny quilt shop in Kapaa.

{it is am awesome shop}

Yes. The Wave appeared again. On fabric!

I bought 4 panels, and promised Larry a twin size quilt

to use as a throw as the Texas weather

became cool.

Photo: 4 panels of The Wave.

I am looking forward to making  a quilt for Larry.



As the country braces to fight hurricane Florence

My thoughts and prayers are with

 many  good friends on the East coast.

Love you.


This Brand New Week

On Friday,

we picked Matilda up and took her on an adventure.

We saw the movie, Paddington Bear and then played the

afternoon away at  Dave and Busters

Photo: Matilda at Dave & Busters

She spent the night at The Cottage.

The next day, Saturday,  she helped Larry feed the birds.

Photo: Matilda in the garden

Photo: Matilda reading a book sent to us from my friend, the author, Ingmar Gregorzewski

The book is in German. Now we must translate it!

Photo: Matilda working on the dollhouse

Matilda was a  perfect guest and our time went to fast.

Sunday, My Larry scrubbed the kitchen floor.

How wonderful is that?

Photo: Old Cottage floor, sparkling clean!

Today is rainy. I will work on the auction quilt…..and make soup.

Photo: Bounty for today’s Crock Pot soup

Last week, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

I take medicine and test my hemoglobin numbers every .

I have been walking 3 miles 5 times a week….and  eating better.

Larry threw the M&M’s that were in the candy jar…..into the trash

and he is behind me 100%.

It had been a long eventful week.

I am looking forward to quiet time piecing the special auction quilt,

and exercising at the  indoor track.

May your day be one filled with quiet, reflecting  moments too.

{and exercise!}

Ok, now  I must go dice up that acorn squash!

Love you.
