On September 11th, 2001 Larry had just left for meetings in Tyler Texas when the first airplane hit the Twin Towers. No one knew exactly what was happening. I was watching Good Morning America and Charlie Gibson was stoic.
Air traffic stopped, TV reports were all over the place and we all were in a state of shock.
The hate that created this event is beyond my scope of understanding. Even today, all these years later. My heart hurts for the victims, their familys and for our country.
The summer before 9/11, I had been talking about Pug dogs. A lot. Larry said no. Jami said she wanted a Golden Retriever and Lauren said, just get a dog.
It happened exactly one week after the devestating attack on our country. We { Larry, Lauren, Jami and I all went} met the man I had been talking to, who had a litter of 7 pugs {from the same litter} ready for adoption.
That is the night we met Libby and brought her home. I held her on my lap when awful storms started. Bad, nasty, Texas storms. We did not have anything at the house for a puppy…and in the rain, we took our new family member to the pet store.
Our Community was still in shock after the 9/11 attacks and all they needed was to see was a pug puppy walking around the store. Libby was popular that night. While it rained outside and our country mourned.
That evening in the car {in the rain}, we named our pug girl.
Her AKC name is Elizabeth’s Stormy Liberty. Libby for short. In honor of our counrty and the stormy night that she came home to the cottage. I held her in my lap all evening and she slept on our bed that night.
All was well.

Love you beyond the moon.