This morning, I read the blog of one of my favorite bloggers. She, like me, blogs on a intimate level, somewhat like a journal. Her subject was marriage. She includes a photo with each entry and her message is personal.
I thought, maybe I should share about my marriage. Larry is my favorite person in the world and sharing would be so easy. But not really.
Because people are so different, marriages are that much more different. The shelves in my work room are facing me right now and hold a photo of my parents on their wedding day. They were married for 47 years when Mother died. Norman, my father, found a woman within one month after mother died. I know that Norman loved Mother on some level, but to forget her within a month? Did he forget her?
Larry and I have been married since 1977. I feel like my life started when I married Larry. {My family story is one of dysfunction and abuse} Larry and I are… get ready for it…soulmates! Sorry, but true. I find myself content, protected and so much in love with this man. Our faith binds us, our spirit encourages us and our love covers all the bases when everything else falls apart.
OK, so it is true. I have not been well. I wake up tired and get more exhausted as the day progresses. My mind gets foggy about a lot of things, but not Larry.
I watch him pay the hospital bills, cook me dinner and protect me as this journey goes on. There is not a Thank You big enough to cover what he has done for me. Being a soulmate gives me the ability to know, in my heart, that one day, I will be able to do the same thing for him.
You can tease me about being so in love with my husband. Somethings are just so wonderful, teasing does not hurt us at all.
Love you beyond the moon.