I have writers block today. The things rattling around in my brain are really not worthy of sharing on the blog.

No one wants to hear about the nightgown I just made out of a vintage pattern and absolutely hate or that I would love to write a letter and cannot even image who I would write it to. There is a new canvas started, the sketch pleases me, but the day is gloomy and light in my work area is dull and shadowy. I must wait for a day when the light is strong.
Larry and I are going out of town later this month. I let a few people from the city we are going to know that we would be there and would LOVE to see them, but have not heard from anyone. (Spending time with Larry is my favorite anyway)
I am reading the most wonderful book. (Becoming Mrs. Lewis) I love it so much that I am taking my time reading it, so I don’t blow through it. I have also been reading the bible. I am at EZRA. I did not record when I started reading the bible, but is taking forever. I read a chapter each day.
Happy Anniversary!….it was one year ago, I had hyperthermia. For 4 days our power was out and our house was 34 degrees the entire time. When I went to sleep at night, I did not care if I woke up in the morning or not. That is profound for me...I did not care if I woke up or not. A few days after that experience, I was bitten by a dog. https://robintolbert.com/a-dog-bite/ I am VERY happy that the anniversary is past…but I don’t think I will ever forget the experience and I now stay a safe distance away from any new dog.
I have read my devotionals for the morning. My new journal is a joy to write in and it is a new day. I have all day to be positive, connect with friends, create ART, take a health walk and do something kind for someone else.
I am not sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way I lost joy. Perhaps I just expected it to come to me…forgetting that it is my responsibility to bring joy into my day. When I was younger it was easier and now I must work a bit harder for JOY.
I wish you a JOYful day….be happy and please pass it on.
Love you beyond the moon.