In the ’80’s, when Larry and I wanted a family,
we discovered that I had to go on fertility drugs.
The drugs worked very fast with a first pregnancy……our Lauren.
But when I went on them, hoping for a second child, nothing worked.
Larry and I together decided that we were happy with one daughter.
About a year later, I became very ill and DR told me that I was pregnant.
It was wonderful news.
Four months later Jamison was born.
We had two daughters.
I had two children. How absolutely perfect is that?
I have never read anything that describes how I feel about being the mother of two daughters.
Two beautiful, independent women.
I love them so much that my heart bursts when talking of them.
They do not need me now.
I have become their, retired Mom.
That is OK, they have things handled.
But I must confess,
It is difficult for me to stand back if they need me.
At times of celebrations, I become happy for them
at times of deep despair,
my heart breaks .
When the clouds come
I hope you can hear my heart.
A mothers heart.
It beats, smiles and cries
along with your
Life, Joy and sadness.
I pray that I did a good job,
being an example for you.
I stand back,
in the event you would need me.
But, you and I both know…
You’ve Got This.
Love you.