Can You Guess? OR On The Christmas List

It is guess time.

Can you guess what I have been doing?

Well, I have been testing a new kitchen gadget.

It is time to plan party menus, guest lists

and decide how I will set my table……

one of my favorite times of year.

For my birthday I was given a waffle bowl maker.

{I wanted one for ages}

I have saved it till now, the holidays.

Today was test and taste test day.

I made them.

I ate them


I cannot wait to make a dozen of them for the freezer!

{I used Bisquick waffle mix for the batter}

If you are looking for a Christmas gift for someone

who likes gadgets like I do,

this is one for the list.

I LOVE this thing. {it was easy to use too}

I have a list of ideas for fillings….so excited!

Presto Waffle Bowl Maker, I love you beyond theĀ  moon.
