Happy first day of September! The name “September” comes from an old Roman word “septem” which actually means 7. September was the seventh month of the year on the Roman calendar – It did not become the ninth month until the advent of the Gregorian calendar. The Romans believed that September was looked after by the god of fire. (Earth Wind And Fire? HA! Just joking) There will be a space below before the song shows up. I’m not sure why WP does that….please keep scrolling…..
Last Saturday (still August) Larry and I had lunch with our friends from Turkey, Neslihaun and Ismail. I met Nesli when she took a quilting class I taught a very long time ago. Her friendship has been very important to me all of these years. Larry and Ismail get along very well, and when we are all together there is just so much lovely energy and ideas being discussed.

Nesli and Ismail spend time in Turkey each year. I love hearing about their travels. They want us to meet them in Istanbul soon. Wouldn’t that be amazing? It would be thrilling to go to the markets, eat exotic food and meet such kind people.
The ornament above is a gift from Nesli and Ismail…. Thank you Nesli. Sending hugs.
There is a VERY old recipe in my recipe box. I remember making these apricot bars for my Mother a long time ago…and for Girl Scout meetings. ( yes, I was a Girl Scout leader back in the day)

I am making the apricot bars today….The Cottage smells amazing. At least that is what Larry says…I am not very good at smelling and tasting things yet. Covid got me good! Apricot Bar recipe tomorrow?
Happy September. It is going to be an amazing month, I just feel it.
Love you beyond the moon.