I have always loved Halloween. It was that one holiday where I could become someone different than who I was in reality.
When my sweet Libby pug was alive, I made costumes for her. She would pose, I would photograph her and both enjoyed the process. You might see her photos other places. Some of the photos are leased and many people have stolen them, BUT I own the copyrights.

Pugcasso has always been one of my favorite costumes that Libby wore. When Libby was alive, we would attend the annual Pug-O-Ween for the Dallas Ft Worth Pug Rescue and would compete in the costume contest. It was a wonderful event and they still have it each year. I miss Libby so much, it makes me sad to attend to Pug-O-Ween.
BUT……Larry and I have a few plans for this weekend….it should be very interesting!
Larry and I wish you a happy Halloween weekend. Please stay safe and enjoy the special moments of the holiday.
Love you beyond the moon.