Part Of Someone’s Life

It is Wednesday, but feels like it is Thursday. This week is dragging and it is going to be 100 degrees tomorrow. It is a long, hot week. {yes, and I am still bitching about the heat}

Larry is in Baltimore for a few days. The house is very quiet. I believe that I miss Libby Pug Dog more when I am alone than any other time. Lauren and Jami are always suggesting that we rescue a senior pup. I just cannot.

My days are busy when Larry is gone. Exercise, reading and projects that take hours of non interrupted concentration. Larry distracts me in the most wonderful of ways.

Today the project is ….for a favorite cousin in PA. She is expecting her third child in December and usually reads Blog. Its ok, she can catch a single glimpse of the gift-to-be.

I have made a quilt for each of her children. Now number three, child AND quilt. I am honored.

Photo: The beginnings of a quilt

The beginning of a quilt is like a blank canvas…and once you start the quilt, it has a personality of its own. Finishing a quilt is the best….adding a binding that will become part of somones life.

When Larry is out of town, I focus on being productive instead of busy.

Happy Wednesday that feels like Thursday.

Love you beyond quilt squares.


2 thoughts on “Part Of Someone’s Life



  2. robin says:

    Aggie, of course! I will s end you a photo via elail as I do not want Amber to see it yet! XOX R

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