Of Course

It was so gloomy outside, I felt quite undone.

Larry was away all day and I planned something quiet and calm.

A spaghetti dinner, with salad, left-over pizza and wine.

Of course, candles and music.

We sat at the table as the fog turned into dark…and we talked.

It was a perfect evening.

Life is such an interesting string of events that make us who we are.

How awesome is it that mine include a man like Larry?


There are 26 days till Valentine’s Day.

Today’s love quote:

The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth


richness to life that nothing else can bring.

~oscar wild~

No matter where you are or how you are,

please remember that only you can make this day into something special.

Love you.


One thought on “Of Course

  1. Katie Madsen says:

    So true. I like to remember the song What A Wonderful World on gloomy days.

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