I truly love this blog. Posting here has been part of my morning for many years and I’ve shared many things. Special moments, rants, breast cancer, picnics, recipes, Camp Robi. … just to many things to list.
Since the pandemic, my life has become quite bland. You might even call it vanilla but vanilla sounds exotic…and that is something my life has not been.
Larry has taken such good care of me and his encouragement has meant the world. I’m not sure if this part of “the journey” would have be worth doing if it were not for him.

We have our special things. Sunday dinner and a movie being one thing that is a must. (Last Sunday we had baby back ribs, potato salad and pinto beans) I took one photo.

I’m working hard to regain my strength, positive energy and get back to normal. (whatever that is) We have been going to the Senior Center during Larry’s lunch hour. I exercise on the treadmill and have been increasing my speed and the incline of the treadmill. Next I will be increasing my time. Thirty minutes is my max right now.
I am sharing this with you now, because there were days when I just wanted to take my sorry a$$ and go to bed. That is so unlike me. Because I had been feeling like this, Last year, I looked for someone to help me. The year has been one of reflection, acceptance and I have learned so much.
Learning to be strong and true to myself was something I did not practice before but am learning how to now. Yesterday, (after a year) when I hugged my DR good-bye. She said: I am here of you ever need me. How awesome is that? I know that we all have “BUMPS” in our roads and hope that I am more understanding with myself and others when they happen.
Thank you for listening and there are a few of you out there who have stuck by me when I needed it most. You know who you are. You are in my heart always and I am indebted to you.
My journey has a long way to go. Being equipped to go forward to handle things with with a “plan” and strong resolve will help me very much.
My Vanilla Days are getting better.
Love you beyond the moon.