There is something special about returning home after a long trip, far away. I am so happy with my own bed and pillows and of course a consistent home routine that calms my traveling nerves.
Larry and I had a wonderful time away. He did not work at all. We strolled the streets of Paris…sometimes with an umbrella. We met old friends and new friends and of course, Larry’s cousin….we ate our favorite foods, visited charming gardens, went to Christmas Markets and enjoyed the sweetest apartment in the center of Paris. ( I kind of LOVE a Water Closet)
We have many new memories….I will share soon….because for now, I must catch up on life in general.
This morning, I dumped over 200 photos into my FlickR account making an album of this years shots from France. Here is the link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pastelginger/albums/72177720304076479
I haven’t put descriptions on the photos yet….they really do not need any.
I hope that you had the most amazing Thanksgiving! Being thankful is a gift that we can give to ourselves….more than once a year.
Please have a magnificent day.
Love you beyond the moon.
Welcome home.