Grandma Is A Zombie

Matilda invited us to hike on Sunday, for Grandparents Day. We hiked, ate salads for lunch and had the best visit.

Our Granddaughter also made us gifts. She painted our portraits. They will be on the fridge for awhile, then maybe framed?

Photo: The Gift~portraits of Pa and Robi on cluttered fridge.

We adore the ART Matilda creates. It is stunning, raw and beautiful. Isn’t that how all ART should be? On my bookshelves in the dining room, there is a file. I date and put all of her work in the file. One day she will see how much she means to us…

Photo: Portrait of Pa

Photo: Portrait of Robi

A thank you card is in the mail to Matilda. {she and I write notes to each other. I love that she and I exchange real mail.}

It is Tuesday. Larry and I walked our miles this morning at the lake. It has been so hot that we have avoided the lake this past month and we walked at indoor tracks.

But today…we were at the lake.

Photo: Walking at sunrise Sept. 10th, 2019

The high humidity made the walk more difficult, but we did it. Being outdoors is best.

Larry is away to meetings in town now. I need to clean up and work on Margot’s baby gift. {A quilt} I also owe about 6 emails. You know the kind, the long, newsy kind. If you are one of the 6 people I owe mails to, will you forgive me? I will be a zombie while training for the marathon.{Quarter Marathon}

Yesterday while in the kitchen making dinner, the leaves rustled on the back patio. For one split second, I thought that it was my old puppy making her way to the door to come in. It made me very sentimental. I hope wherever she is, there are crisp Autumn leaves for her to play in. She loved them very much.

Please have a blessed day…..

Love you beyond the moon.


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