Yesterday I stole Larry away for a quiet celebration. We went to the Dallas Arboretum for tea, where we celebrated a late Fathers day.
Of course he spent Fathers day, two weeks ago with his daughters. He loves them both so much and their relationships are wonderful.
But…I had a gift for him and wanted to give it to him some-place special.

I gave him a painting. Suzi, one of my favorite people and ARTist, painted it for me, well, for him. The subject has personal significance to us. He loved the painting. Thank you Suzi for going out of your way for Larry’s gift.
We also had Champagne tea, talked a lot and enjoyed the quiet moments of being almost the only people at the Dallas Arboretum.
Larry, you are the best father I have ever known…it’s amazing isn’t it, with our history of Fathers? I like to think that we learned from our parents, what we were NOT supposed to do as parents.
Happy Fathers Day Larry. You are my best friend, a wonderful Father and the nicest person I know. I am thankful that you are in my life…
Love you beyond the moon.