A Blog About Nothing

I honestly have nothing much to say today. My yesterday was BLA, spending it doing laundry and not feeling quite well. I finished a gift (it is in the washer right now) I read (the book club book) and I went to Matilda’s softball game (her team won).

The gift in the washer is for a dear person. I will not say much because she reads blog often…..but…..I can say, she is a peach. The gift is for no occasion. Matilda, Larry and I chose the fiber for the gift. It took me a week to make it. It will be clean, dried and blocked. Then I will box it up and take it to our little mailing shop and then ship it far away. I love the mailing part. It is then, when the gift takes on a life of its own

Photo: Internet photo of the sweetest earrings

I found a web site, with the sweetest earrings. They are recycled and made of tin. I do not know the owner….just thought I would share (because I plan to order gifts soon) Link below.

Have a lovely day. Today is a gift just for us.

Love you.


St Patrick’s Day Weekend

Photo: We Dashed Down Greenville! A traditional 5K

It was a good weekend. Larry had a busy week last week and did not even mention WORK over the weekend. It was kind of awesome.

We dashed down Greenville on Saturday, we grocery shopped, we exercised. On Sunday we went to church. After church we went to McKinney Trade days and walked….a lot!

Photo: Trade Day Sign. {I love this}
Photo: A Favorite drink

We found a fun tablecloth for Sunday Dinner and Movie….$17.00. But, to be honest,there were dog breeders there. English Bulldogs, 2 Boston Terriers and other breeds I was not interested in. I will never own another dog, but if I ever happened to, it would be a rescue.

Larry stayed far from the dogs. He would not get near the cages. I did. I wanted to be near a puppy heart beating. That is what I miss about My Libby Girl. Feeling her little heart beat under her pug skin…..the puppies made Larry a bit sad. So we went to the antiquing side of the “Trade Days”.

When came home where I made Sunday dinner. The movie we wanted to watch was not available, so we watched …are you ready?

Photo: Our St Patrick’s Sunday Movie
Photo: I made sausage and mushroom pizza
Photo: Chocolate cake for dessert

It was a good weekend and a beautiful Monday. Larry hopes to conclude a big business deal today and if all goes well, we will see Matilda play softball at 6:00! Fingers crossed and spit into the wind……

Love you.


Each And Every One Of Us

It is Friday morning. The birds are singing and the sun is out. Larry is back in his home-office, slaving away. (He has 2 huge conference calls today) I am sitting at my work table, rather distracted.

I am not on Facebook much. I reopened my account so I could post a link here and there. My “feed” is almost never looked at and I miss a lot of great comments by good friends.

Last week, I kept getting notified that someone had left me a Facebook message. I logged on to look, I also looked through my “feed”…..and saw that someone whom I absolutely ADORE. Posted a video (animated) of an abortion. It was really awful. Awful. This person posts many political things. Not nice political things (in my opinion) but I just ignore them. We all have the right to our opinion. Each and every one of us has the right to feel a certain way. Even me. But at a weak moment, I commented on the persons abortion video. I said I wish you had not posted this. It is not appropriate. ( I was so sad that this amazing person was posting such graphic, violent content) It was MY opinion. I was wrong to say it out loud and I am sorry. Well, I did not expect what happened next. I was berated and bullied from many of her contacts. I guess I do not have the right to my opinion after all. Is an abortion video on FB appropriate and I did not know it?

When has tolerance been at such a low? Why do we judge and hate? Granted, if you treat me badly I will go far away but if you worship differently or belong to a different political party, it will never effect our relationship. Social media has given a voice to the voiceless and they want to convert us all.

I cannot control anyone but myself. I respect your opinion even if it is different than mine….Just because a person says something on Facebook, does NOT MAKE IT SO.

So….how is your day going? Share any opinions lately?

Love you.


And The Book For May Is……….The Southerners

My book group meets every other month. Our next meeting will be in May and it was my turn to choose May’s book. I love when it is my turn to pick out the book, is there anything better than sharing a good book with a good friend?

I have chosen one of my all time favorite books, ever.

About 1970, my Grandmother gave me her copy of The Southerners. {I have read it numerous times and adore it} I still have it, although rather torn up. It was published in 1953 and is 65 years old this year. On my To Read List, The Southerners is in the top ten books for this year, because I will be 65 in June too.

  So dear readers, I am sharing my birthday book with you.

   I bought a used copy on Amazon for $1.99 plus $3.00 shipping.

  ABE Books also has a few copies or check you local library.

  If you have trouble finding or buying The Southerners, I would be glad to help.

Do you have a list of favorite books? Please share one or two of them?

Love you.


Team Believe Shirts, Donations and More

Team Believe supports Komen Race For The Cure and early detection. Each year, our family participates in the North Texas race. I would not be alive if it were not for early detection.

I designed this years TEAM BELIEVE shirts and they have arrived! Matilda modeled hers for me this weekend.

Photo: Matilda modeling the 2019 Team Believe shirt
Photo: Team Believe shirt. Back

TEAM BELIEVE shirts were designed by me. You can purchase them at… Big Frog Custom T Shirts and More.

972-941-3641 or [email protected]

No proceeds from the purchase of the T- shirts goes to Komen or me.

Ask for The Robin Tolbert- Team Believe 2019 shirt. They run around $30.00 OR you can go to my Komen site and make a donation ….read more about the give away at the link below.


Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read this. If you are not interested in donations, t-shirts or give-aways, there is still something that you can do for me. Perhaps it is the most important thing of all. Please remind the loved ones in your life to have an annual mammogram. Early detection saves lives.

Love you.


The Unfortunate Incident At Book Club

This week, Larry and I were in Las Vegas. The International Pizza Expo was in full swing and we hosted a dinner for clients of Larry’s. We flew home early yesterday morning. Larry had to work. I had my bi-monthly Book Club. {Larry dropped me off at the restaurant for book club on the way home from the airport}

This is one of the two book groups I belong to. The ladies are smart, lovely, kind and they choose the best books ever.

The book we were discussing this month was Ten Years Gone. We met for lunch at Cindis Deli. I had not eaten since dinner the night before in Vegas. The food at the deli is wonderful….

I ordered Eggs Benedict and scarfed them down while I visited with ladies, hearing all the news since I had seen them last.

After lunch, we started the discussion of our book. Sandy had chosen the book and she lead the discussion. I started feeling sick…..

I excused myself and went to the rest rooms….and the ladies room was locked. The mens room was locked too. I was sick and desperate. I stood outside the locked doors when it happened. Yup. I got very sick. All over the place. I ran out of the restaurant, glad that I had already paid for the eggs that I was losing at that very moment.

I found Larry and then a towel in the trunk of the car. He went in to get my book and phone from the table in the restaurant. It felt like forever. He came back to the car and while we sped home, my gag reflex on HIGH, he told me that he found the table with the ladies just fine. He told them what happened. {I am very mortified. Did the restaurant clean up the hall?}

Larry said: When he was leaving he heard one of the ladies say, I had not even noticed that she had not returned…..

I think it really hurt my feelings because I was so sick. Our next meeting is in May. I get to pick the book and restaurant.

There are black circles under my eyes. I am tired and my tummy hurts a little, but I have not gotten sick today. Things are looking up, but I don’t know what to do with this feeling of mortification…..

Love you.


Moments At Barns and Noble

The other day, I was coming down with the flu. I did not know it yet, but I felt crappy. Larry and I had to pick up a gift from Barnes and Noble, so we went out into the rainy day….and we went to the book store.

Larry said: I will drop you off at the door and go park.

I said: Thank you. I will be at the magazine department.

Larry said: Love you! See you in a minute.

I went inside. Feeling light headed, I went to the magazine department, looking for a particular ART magazine.

I looked around, not seeing anything that appealed….then I saw Larry outside headed for the door. As he came in, I expected him to come over to the magazine area, but no.

He headed straight for the 50%OFF NEW RELEASE books and a lady that was standing there looking at the books. Granted, he only saw her from the back. {And she was dumpy! Sorry lady but comb your hair} I watched as he went up behind her, kind of close and was talking to her.

I knew that he thought that she was me and I honestly hoped that he would not rub her back or anything like that and that she would not slap him.

After a moment, I walked closer.

I said: Hi Larry

He then realized that the other lady was not me. You should have seen his face. His red, blushing face.

{this same thing happened years ago at the library, but the lady was sitting with her back to him, he walked up and rubbed her shoulders}

Fast forward to today. I just told Larry that I was blogging about “The Other Woman.”

Larry said: I am glad that I could amuse you.

Oh don’t let him fool us, he is laughing too.

I love moments at the book store.

Love you.


The Flu, Sunday Dinner & Movie and Me

It was a long weekend. I have the flu, my head was foggy and my body ached. Larry took good care of me. To be honest, I still feel really sick today.

Photo: My favorite flowers

We had Sunday dinner and movie. Larry pulled down spaghetti sauce from the freezer, bought raviolis at the market.

Photo: Larry loves Ravioli and meatballs in my homemade sauce.

I made garlic bread and salads.

Photo: Sunday Wine

Our movie was Dear Brigitte. A few weeks ago, Larry asked about this old favorite of ours. We watched it yesterday. It was awesome.

Photo: Sunday Movie

I am glad that the weekend is over but Sunday was really nice.

Have a happy, healthy day.

Love you.
